Degrees and Minors Offered

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Bachelor Degrees Offered

Graduate Degrees Offered

Minors Offered

Bachelor Degrees Offered

  • Allied Health Sciences - Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Biology - Bachelor of Science
  • Biology with a Concentration in Cell and Molecular - Bachelor of Science
  • Biology with a Concentration in Ecology and Evolution - Bachelor of Science
  • Biology with a Concentration in Physiology - Bachelor of Science
  • Biology - Bachelor of Science (PharmD Track with Roseman University)
  • Business Administration - Bachelor of Science
  • Chemistry - Bachelor of Science
  • Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry - Bachelor of Science
  • Chemistry with a Concentration in Professional Chemistry - Bachelor of Science
  • Communication - Bachelor of Arts
  • Criminal Justice - Bachelor of Arts
  • Deaf Studies - Bachelor of Arts
  • Early Childhood & Early Childhood Special Education - Bachelor of Arts in Education
  • Elementary Education - Bachelor of Arts in Education
  • Elementary Education with a Concentration in Bilingual Education - Bachelor of Arts in Education
  • Elementary Education with a Concentration in Special Education - Bachelor of Arts in Education
  • Engineering Technology with Information and Computer Technology Option - Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Engineering Technology with Electronics Option - Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Engineering Technology with Telecommunications Option - Bachelor of Applied Science
  • English - Bachelor of Arts
  • Environmental and Resource Science - Bachelor of Science
  • History - Bachelor of Arts
  • History with a Pre-Law Concentration - Bachelor of Arts
  • Human Health Sciences - Bachelor of Science
  • Human Health Sciences with a Concentration in Business - Bachelor of Science
  • Human Health Sciences with a Concentration in Data Science - Bachelor of Science
  • Human Health Sciences with a Concentration in Environmental Health & Sustainability - Bachelor of Science
  • Human Health Sciences with a Concentration in Professional Writing - Bachelor of Science
  • Human Health Sciences with a Concentration in Speech Pathology - Bachelor of Science
  • Interdisciplinary Data Science - Bachelor of Arts
  • Interdisciplinary Data Science - Bachelor of Science
  • Interdisciplinary Studies - Bachelor of Arts
  • Interdisciplinary Studies - Bachelor of Science
  • Law Enforcement - Bachelor of Public Administration
  • Management - Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Mathematics - Bachelor of Science
  • Nursing - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Psychology - Bachelor of Arts
  • Psychology with a Specialization in Clinical and Mental Health - Bachelor of Arts
  • Psychology with a Specialization in Intergroup Dynamics & Social Equity - Bachelor of Arts
  • Psychology with a Specialization in Developmental - Bachelor of Arts
  • Secondary Education with a Concentration in Biology - Bachelor of Science in Education
  • Secondary Education with a Concentration in English - Bachelor of Arts in Education
  • Secondary Education with a Concentration in History - Bachelor of Arts in Education
  • Secondary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics - Bachelor of Science in Education
  • Secondary Education with a Concentration in Physical Sciences - Bachelor of Science in Education
  • Speech Pathology - Bachelor of Arts
  • Visual Media - Bachelor of Applied Science
  • Visual Media - Bachelor of Arts
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    Minors Offered

  • Aerospace Studies
  • Animation
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • Communication
  • Counseling (emphasis in Addiction Treatment and Prevention)
  • Creative Writing
  • Criminal Justice
  • Deaf Studies
  • Digital Cinema 
  • Education/Instruction
  • Educational Technology
  • English
  • Environmental Health and Sustainability 
  • Environmental and Resource Science
  • Film Studies
  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Human Health Science
  • History
  • Interdisciplinary Data Science
  • Interpreting
  • Latin American Heritage and Diaspora Minor
  • Law Enforcement
  • Leadership
  • Mathematics
  • Pre-Law
  • Photography 
  • Promotion
  • Psychology
  • School-Based Mental Health
  • Spanish
  • Spanish Heritage
  • Social Justice
  • Sociology
  • Writing Studies
  • top