President's Welcome

Welcome to Nevada State College, now home to over 7,200 students. In my short time as president, it has already become clear to me that our College is a special place. Since I started in August, this community has welcomed me, and I know it will do the same for you.
Over my first months in becoming a Scorpion, I have stated on many occasions and will continue to reiterate: I have come here with intention, and I choose to do the work here intentionally, just like each of you.
I’ve also been intentional about meeting with students and our entire community. That is why I participated in 40 focus groups in my first 100 days to help build my knowledge of the work and culture of our campus. What I’ve learned from my time here is Nevada State was created with a profound purpose.
Our students represent the new majority in higher education. The new majority, which we boldly define as first-generation students, adult learners, veterans, students of color, dreamers, immigrants, as well as anyone looking for the opportunity to find their way out of poverty.
I will submit to you that Nevada State’s purpose is to expand the new majority’s participation in higher education–while at the same time, working to increase income mobility and wealth for all Nevadans. Naming the new majority in this way will help us see invisible barriers that exist in higher education today.
I share this with you as you start your journey and where you will soon join Nevada State’s over 6,000 alumni. As we get ready to celebrate our 20th anniversary of the College, know I will look to you all to continue in our tradition to Be bold, Be great, and always Be State.
DeRionne Pollard