Nevada State University Catalogs - Communication B.A.

Communication B.A.

Mission Statement

The Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree program offers students a thorough overview of the major theories and sub-fields that make up the study of communication. It is designed to: 1) guide students in the scholarly study of the evolution, role, and practice of communication in society; 2) empower students to bolster their interpersonal, intercultural, and rhetorical communication competencies; and 3) help students become critical and responsible consumers and creators of media.

Learning Outcomes

Students who work toward a B.A. in Communication will:
  1. develop a sophisticated understanding of the evolution, various types/contexts, and theories of human communication;
  2. become capable public presenters both individually and collaboratively;
  3. learn the value of and techniques for communicating successfully in the work world;
  4. become more critically vigilant media consumers;
  5. become adept interpersonal and intercultural communicators;
  6. learn to become effective team players and be frequent given opportunities to experience collaborative success.


Recommended Schedule

A recommended course sequence to complete the major in four years.

Degree Sheet

A degree sheet for the Communication B.A. is provided with the curriculum below for students’ convenience.

This sample degree checklist is intended to be used as a planning tool for students enrolled in the program for this academic year. It is recommended that students review the Academic Requirements report in their Student Center and meet regularly with an Academic Advisor to verify degree progression.

College Core Curriculum

English (3-8 credits)

Refer to the English section of the Core Curriculum

Study and Technology Skills (0-3 credits)

Refer to the Study and Technology Skills section of the Core Curriculum

Mathematics (3-5 credits)

Refer to the Mathematics section of the Core Curriculum

Natural Sciences (7-8 credits)

Refer to the Natural Sciences section of the Core Curriculum

Social Sciences (3 credits)

Refer to the Social Science of the Core Curriculum. Classes in the major may be used to fulfill this Core requirement. Consult an Academic Advisor.

Fine Arts (3 credits)

Refer the Fine Arts section of the Core Curriculum

Humanities (6 credits)

Refer to the Humanities section of the Core Curriculum. Classes in the major may be used to fulfill this Core requirement. Consult an Academic Advisor.

Constitution (3-6 credits)

Refer to the Constitution section of the Core Curriculum

Cultural Diversity (3 credits)

Refer to the Cultural Diversity section of the Core Curriculum

Major Requirements (39 Credits)

Introductory Courses (9 Credits)

COM 102Introduction to Interpersonal Communication


COM 216Survey of Communication Studies


COM 333Media Literacy


Communication Foundation Courses (12 credits)

Select four courses from the following:

COM 101Oral Communication


COM 110Power, Culture, and Society


COM 212Introduction to Communication Research


COM 217Argumentation and Debate


COM 250News Gathering and Writing


COM 315Small Group Communication


COM 330Selected Topics In Communication Studies


COM 400Human Communication Theory


COM 404Principles of Persuasion


COM 412Intercultural Communication


Concentrations (12 credits)

Students select one of the following concentrations:

  • Public Relations
  • Media Studies
Public Relations Concentration (12 Credits)
Choose four of the following courses:
COM 261Introduction to Public Relations


COM 335Communication in the Public Interest


COM 375Public Relations Writing


COM 463Case Studies in Public Relations


COM 475Communication and Community Engagement


COM 492Public Relation Campaigns


Media Studies Concentration (12 Credits)
Choose four of the following courses:
COM 221Social Media


COM 380Women in Media


COM 431Visual Literacy


COM 474New Media and Human Communication


COM 485Mass Media and Society


COM 488Global Media Seminar


COM Electives (6 credits)

Any COM course not used to fulfill a major requirement may be used as a major elective.

General Electives

General elective course credits are taken to complete the 120 credits needed for graduation.

Upper Division Electives (21 Credits)

At least 21 credits of electives must be Upper Division courses.

Summary of credit requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Communication

College Core Curriculum


Major Requirements




Total Credits



NOTE: At least 30 credits of Upper Division course work must be completed at Nevada State University to fulfill the Residency Graduation Requirement.