Nevada State University Catalogs - Resources, Services and Referrals

Resources, Services and Referrals

Nevada State University recognizes that transition into university is exciting, challenging, and, at times, over- whelming. Students who are coming to Nevada State straight from high school have to adjust to the differing expectations and culture of the university. At the same time, these students are undergoing the transition from dependence to independence, forming their identities as young adults, and meeting many new people. Returning adults must also undergo challenging transitions to meet the demands and rigors of university study. Many returning adult students are juggling family, career, caring for older parents, and school. Nevada State University is committed to helping students succeed by offering a variety of resources and services to assist with the academic, social, or personal issues that may arise, including those listed below.

Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Center (AAC) works collaboratively with students to develop achievable educational and career plans through a commitment and understanding of the Nevada State curriculum. Academic Advisors empower students to take ownership of their degree while working together to create a realistic pathway to graduation.

All students with the exception of those formally admitted to the School of Nursing will have a primary Advisor located in the AAC. Students formally admitted into the School of Nursing are advised by faculty members within that school.


Advisors also provide information on Nevada State minor programs, experiential learning opportunities, and campus resources. Advisors help students to better understand Nevada State's academic policies, degree requirements, and their progress towards graduation. The AAC works in close collaboration with Faculty and academic departments to provide a quality advising experience for every student.

In an effort to assist students in achieving academic success, all students who have earned less than 90 credits will be required to meet with an Advisor at least once each semester prior to registration. A registration hold is placed onto student accounts which will prevent the student from registering for the next academic semester. During these mandatory advising sessions, our dedicated team of Advisors will ensure that students are progressing towards graduation and embracing their Nevada State experience.

Additionally, Advisors provide support for students in academic difficulty such as academic warning, probation, and suspension. Please reference Nevada State's academic standing policies in the catalog for further information. In an effort to proactively work with students who are struggling academically, advisors can be notified by faculty members using the Nevada State Early Alert system if the faculty member believes it is best for the students to seek assistance from other student support services.

Advising appointments are available Monday-Friday. Students can schedule an advising appointment online through the AAC website, or by contacting the AAC via phone or in-person. For more information, the AAC can be reached at 702-992-2160 or through email at

Academic Success Center

 Academic Support

The mission of the Academic Success Center (ASC) is to provide academic guidance through peer-to-peer support, enhanced learning skills, and an atmosphere conducive to the learning process.


The ASC provides the following FREE academic services:

  • Study Strategies & Goal Setting with a Success Coach: Students can meet with a peer academic success coach in-person or online. Success Coaches will work with you to identify specific goals and create a realistic and measurable action plan using effective strategies (time management, planning, SMART Goals, science-based study strategies, etc.). A peer success coach serves as a resource and accountability partner to help you navigate the college campus experience and your academic work load. They are a student like you who can offer tips and resources to support your success at Nevada State. 
  • Tutoring: Students can meet with trained peer tutors in-person or online in one-one, group, or drop-in tutoring sessions. The ASC offers support in a variety of subject areas such as: American Sign Language, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Math, Pre-Nursing, Psychology, Spanish, Statistics, Technology, and Visual Media. While experienced in the course content, tutors are not content experts and will not re-lecture the material or give direct answers. Instead, tutors and students will work together in order to develop an understanding of the material.
  • Embedded Course Support: Embedded support takes the idea of tutoring to the next level – instead of a tutor waiting for students to come see them, the embedded peer leader:
    • Attends the class with students and models positive student behaviors and engages during class discussions/activities
    • Holds weekly structured group study sessions
    • Provides individual mentoring or tutoring sessions outside of class (varies by type of service)
    • Meets regularly with the course instructor to discuss common questions or challenges that students may be experiencing in the course


    There are two embedded services at the ASC, the Course Assistant or “CA” program and Supplement Instruction or “SI” program. The Course Assistant Program targets first year gateway courses and focuses on helping new students transition to college through formal mentoring support. Supplemental Instruction targets upper level STEM, social science, or language courses and focuses on hosting the group review sessions outside of class, with less formal mentoring support.

  • After-Hours Online Tutoring Support (NetTutor): When Nevada State Tutors are not available, students have access to 24/7 online tutoring through NetTutor located in their Canvas course home page. NetTutor allows students to connect on demand with an professional tutor for a live drop-in session 24 hours a day, schedule an appointment in advance, submit writing for detailed review, or ask a question offline. NetTutor does not require any special software installation or equipment. To access the service online, students sign in from any course home page in Canvas. For assistance with this service contact the ASC directly. This service is free to NS students. All students are allotted an initial 10 hours of online tutoring for the year. If a student maxes out their 10 hours, they can contact the Academic Success Center to request more time.
  • Campus Workshops/Class Visits: The Academic Success Center offers research-based study and learning strategies to students and faculty/staff across campus. Please complete this form to request a class presentation or interactive study skills workshop for your course, student group, or department.





Nevada State students enjoy a campus bookstore that reflects the Nevada State University brand, including a wide selection of school spirit apparel, as well as gifts for alumni, friends, and family. Course materials are offered in variety of options including rental, digital, used and new formats, ensuring students have access to the options and formats that best suit their needs.

In addition, the campus bookstore has an online presence at where students have the ability to order textbooks and school merchandise for in-store pickup or delivery.

Visit the Nevada State University Bookstore at the Rogers Student Center, 1300 Nevada State Dr., Henderson, NV 89002 or online at For more information, please contact the bookstore at 702-992-2340.

Career Services Center

The Career Services Center (CSC) works to educate and support current students and alumni of Nevada State University in navigating their career development journeys by providing 1:1 career advising and curated career resources, hosting career-development workshops/events, and facilitating employer recruitment events. As a state institution of higher education, we prepare the new majority of students for career success and economic mobility to support the needs of the Nevada workforce and give back to their communities.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Career and Major Exploration: Career Advisors staff offer professional guidance to help students explore potential career paths and job opportunities that align to program offerings at Nevada State. Career assessment tests can also be administered to help students make an informed career path and academic program decisions.
  • Career Planning: Planning for a career requires careful attention that begins freshman year. We want to help you be successful from start to finish.
    Internship Search Assistance: Internships provide valuable, practical work experience that help position students as more viable, competitive candidates when searching for jobs post-graduation.
  • Job Search Assistance: Learn how to find job openings relevant to your academic background and experience. Discover unique job search strategies specific to your career field.
  • Resume & Cover Letter Review: Career Advisors are available to help construct and review your resume, cover letter, and other application materials.
  • Interview Preparation: Career Advisors help students learn basic interview skills and how to present themselves before, during and after job or internship interviews. Mock interviews can also be conducted to provide 1:1 feedback on interview answers and skills.
  • Networking Strategies: Building your professional network is essential to your career success. Learn different networking strategies to connect with professionals and identify potential opportunities.
  • Graduate School Assistance: Career Advisors can students with the graduate school search and selection process as graduate school may be a necessary step in a student's career goals.

The CSC encourages students to begin their career development journey their first year of enrollment by meeting with one of our Career Advisors to clarify, learn, and plan for their career path. Meeting with Career Advisors early and often in your academic journey is important as career planning and development is a process; at least a third of college students refine or change their career goals within the first few years of starting college (National Center for Education Statistics; 2017). While students may not always see career planning as necessary until their Senior year, students who spend time each year in their academic journey thinking about their career preparation will feel more confident and be in a better position when it is time to begin job applications and be interviewed by employers.

Once students graduate and become alumni, they can continue to utilize our services for life! Alumni can also support CSC events and initiatives by sharing their own career experiences and informing current students of the career possibilities with their degree from Nevada State.

Connect with Career Services


Location: RSC 128


Phone: (702) 992-2611

Social Media: @nevadastatecareer

Disability Resource Center

At Nevada State University, we recognize our responsibility to assure full access to all facilities, classes, and activities for students with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The staff of the Disability Resource Center (DRC) review the disability-related needs of students to determine whether accommodations or support services are necessary to facilitate that access. Our mission is to create an accessible university community where students with disabilities have equitable access to classes, labs, and activities. We work with students, faculty, and staff to promote students' independence and access and create a culture of accessibility, social justice, and diversity.


Students who have documented disabilities that may require accommodation should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) in Rogers Student Center, Room 123, by calling (702) 992-2180 or through email at It is important to note that once a student is in university, it is the student's responsibility to self-identify to the DRC and to provide appropriate documentation of disabilities. For more information on how to self-identify and to ensure that the student has the appropriate documentation, please contact the DRC at (702) 992-2180.

University Library

Library Collection
Nevada State's award-winning University Library is the first all-digital academic library in Nevada. The Library provides access to an extensive collection of ebooks and scholarly articles at Nevada State students can access these materials 24/7 by signing in with their NSHE ID.

Over 2 million print books are also available by request from partner libraries in Southern Nevada. You can also request items that the library does not have access to through the Interlibrary Loan service.

Study Rooms
Located on the 2nd floor of the Rogers Student Center (RSC), the Marydean Martin Library provides a variety of study spaces including quiet and group study rooms. Study rooms can be reserved online at Desktop computers are available in the main library space and in the Library Computer Lab located in RSC 236.

Borrow Technology for Free
Borrow these items and more from the Library Service Desk using your NSHE ID card:

  • Laptops
  • Portable chargers
  • Headphones

Contact the Library
Connect with friendly library staff for research help and information on services:

Librarians are also available to meet with students to provide assistance with research assignments. Schedule an appointment via the Meet with a Librarian service.

New and Transfer Student Orientation Program

Orientation programs at Nevada State (NS) consist of resourceful information for both new and transfer students to help ensure a smooth transition.


In an effort to enhance the experience of all incoming students at NS, New Student Orientation (NSO) provides valuable information and resources designed to develop a student’s academic abilities and encourage the pursuit of their personal goals. The NSO program builds a bridge between a student’s prior learning and their academic pathway at NS.


NSO is required for all first-year university students and is held prior to the start of their first semester. The program has been designed to introduce new students to the NS campus, their academic program requirements, financial aid, and academic success resources. After student are admitted to Nevada State, they will receive an email with next steps, including instructions on how to register for NSO.


In order to meet the needs of transfer students, Nevada State provides an online guide that outlines campus resources and success tips for transfer students. It is also required that each transfer student meet with an academic advisor prior to the start of their first semester. For a list of meeting and appointment options, please contact the Academic Advising Center (702) 992-2160, following your admission to NS.

Scorpion Card (Student ID)

The Scorpion Card serves as your official student ID, library card, provides swipe access to campus copiers/printers, and provides the ability to add funds for making purchases at the Café, Bookstore, or for copying/printing.


All Nevada State students are required to have a student ID (Scorpion Card). First year/first time Nevada State students who participate in New Student Orientation will need to have their student ID to register for classes.

Getting your Scorpion Card

To obtain your card, visit the Information & Technology Services front desk on the second floor of the Rogers Student Center (RSC-228), Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30pm. Please be sure to bring a government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, which is required to verify your identity. The first card is free but lost or stolen cards are $5 to replace.


Please contact Card Services at (702) 992-2420 Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30pm for any assistance or to report a lost/stolen card.

Student Life

Information about getting involved on campus can be found through the Office of Student Life. Their office is located in the Rogers Student Center and can be contacted by calling (702) 992-2190 or via email ( You can also contact our Associate Director of Student Life, Yesica Placencia-Flores, at (702) 992-2195 or via email ( For the most up-to-date information on Events and Involvement Opportunities, visit


Your Student Government
The Nevada State Student Alliance is the official student voice for the Nevada State University student body. NSSA advocates for student rights, enhances student life on campus, and works to link student life with the academic mission of the university.

NSSA provides a variety of events and activities throughout the year. Participating in one of the programs is a great way to have fun, meet new people, and learn outside of the classroom. NSSA has something for everyone.

Becoming a Senator

If you are interested in becoming a senator or getting involved with NSSA, contact the NSSA office at 702-992-2190 or via email at You can also contact our Associate Director and Advisor, Yesica Placencia-Flores, at (702) 992-2195 or via email (

Student Clubs & Organizations

Nevada State University has a variety of student clubs and organizations to offer students. For a complete listing, please contact the Office of Student Life (OSL) or by reviewing the involvement website at you do not see a student organization or club that you are interested in, you can contact OSL about starting a new club. Generally speaking, you will need at least five interested student participants and a faculty/staff advisor to begin the recognition process. Officially recognized clubs and organizations are also eligible to request funding from NSSA. Contact our Student Life Coordinator, Meaghan Lynch, at (702) 992-2194 or via email (

Student Wellness Services

Counseling, Case Management, the Food Pantry, and so much more!

Student Wellness has a variety of mental health and other support options available right here at Nevada State University, located in the Dawson Building!

Connect with us!


Technology Resources

Information & Technology Services (ITS) is committed to providing students with the technological resources necessary to foster an environment of learning and collaboration. As a student at Nevada State University you will have access to the following technology resources and services.

Online Access

All online resources are available through the NSU Portal ( This one location provides access to campus announcements, news, printing, library research databases, personal network files, online courses (WebCampus/Canvas), and Student Center which includes online registration, payments, financial aid, and much more.

Additionally, from your Android or Apple iOS device, a free mobile app is available to help you stay connected. In addition to information such as announcements, calendars, campus maps/hours, directories, and news, the app offers single sign-on capabilities to be able to access your Nevada State email, online courses, and Student Center. Download the mobile app by searching for "Nevada State University" in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.


Computer workstations are located in the following locations: 

  • CEB-207: 20 Windows based workstations
  • DAW-119: 24 Windows based workstations
  • LAS-126: 10 Windows based workstations 
  • RSC-205 (Library): 16 Windows based workstations
  • RSC-236: 12 Windows based workstations

All workstations provide access to the Internet, Microsoft Office, and printing.


Copiers/printers are located in each building and all enrolled students are topped off for free to $3.50 of print credit each semester. Black & white prints are $.05 per page with color prints costing $.15. Check your print credit by logging into the NSU Portal and clicking the “Printing” link. If you run out of print credit, you can add funds to your account online or using cash via a kiosk located on the 2nd floor of the Rogers Student Center.

Wireless Access

Wireless access is available at all Nevada State University facilities. To access it look for the network “NSU Secure” and sign in using your NSU username and password. Additionally, Nevada State University is part of the eduroam wireless network used at thousands of institutions around the world. To access the eduroam network on-campus or anywhere that supports it, log in using your along with your NSU password.


All students get an e-mail account that will serve as the official email address for Nevada State University communications. To access your account visit the NSU Portal and click on the “Email” link.


Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To reach our helpdesk call (702) 992-2400 or submit a request online by visiting and clicking on the “Need Help?” link at the bottom of the login area.