Nevada State University Catalogs - Academic Advising

Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Center (AAC) works collaboratively with students to develop achievable educational and career plans through a commitment and understanding of the Nevada State curriculum. Academic Advisors empower students to take ownership of their degree while working together to create a realistic pathway to graduation.

All students with the exception of those formally admitted to the School of Nursing will have a primary Advisor located in the AAC. Students formally admitted into the School of Nursing are advised by faculty members within that school.


Advisors also provide information on Nevada State minor programs, experiential learning opportunities, and campus resources. Advisors help students to better understand Nevada State's academic policies, degree requirements, and their progress towards graduation. The AAC works in close collaboration with Faculty and academic departments to provide a quality advising experience for every student.

In an effort to assist students in achieving academic success, all students who have earned less than 90 credits will be required to meet with an Advisor at least once each semester prior to registration. A registration hold is placed onto student accounts which will prevent the student from registering for the next academic semester. During these mandatory advising sessions, our dedicated team of Advisors will ensure that students are progressing towards graduation and embracing their Nevada State experience.

Additionally, Advisors provide support for students in academic difficulty such as academic warning, probation, and suspension. Please reference Nevada State's academic standing policies in the catalog for further information. In an effort to proactively work with students who are struggling academically, advisors can be notified by faculty members using the Nevada State Early Alert system if the faculty member believes it is best for the students to seek assistance from other student support services.

Advising appointments are available Monday-Friday. Students can schedule an advising appointment online through the AAC website, or by contacting the AAC via phone or in-person. For more information, the AAC can be reached at 702-992-2160 or through email at