Nevada State University Catalogs - Student Life

Student Life

Information about getting involved on campus can be found through the Office of Student Life. Their office is located in the Rogers Student Center and can be contacted by calling (702) 992-2190 or via email ( You can also contact our Director of Student Life, Phil LaMotte, at (702) 992-2193 or via email ( For the most up-to-date information on Events and Involvement Opportunities, visit


Your Student Government
The Nevada State Student Alliance is the official student voice for the Nevada State College student body. NSSA advocates for student rights, enhances student life on campus, and works to link student life with the academic mission of the college.

NSSA provides a variety of events and activities throughout the year. Participating in one of the programs is a great way to have fun, meet new people, and learn outside of the classroom. NSSA has something for everyone.

Becoming a Senator

If you are interested in becoming a senator or getting involved with NSSA, contact the NSSA office at 702-992-2190 or via email at You can also contact our NSSA Business Manager and Advisor, Yesica Placencia-Flores, at (702) 992-2195 or via email (

Student Clubs & Organizations

Nevada State College has a variety of student clubs and organizations to offer students. For a complete listing, please contact the Office of Student Life (OSL) or by reviewing the involvement website at you do not see a student organization or club that you are interested in, you can contact OSL about starting a new club. Generally speaking, you will need at least five interested student participants and a faculty/staff advisor to begin the recognition process. Officially recognized clubs and organizations are also eligible to request funding from NSSA. Contact our Student Life Coordinator, Carlos Navarro, at (702) 992-2194 or via email (