Nevada State University Catalogs - Marydean Martin Library

Marydean Martin Library

Library Collection
The Marydean Martin Library is the first all-digital academic library in Nevada. The Library provides access to an extensive collection of ebooks and scholarly articles at Nevada State students can access these materials 24/7 by signing in with their NSHE ID.

Over 2 million print books are also available by request from our partner libraries in Southern Nevada. You can also request items that the library does not have access to through the Interlibrary Loan Service.

Study Rooms
Located on the 2nd floor of the Rogers Student Center, the library provides a variety of study spaces including quiet and group study rooms.  Students can reserve a study room online at Desktop computers are available inside the library and at the computer lab located in RSC 236.

Borrow Technology for Free
Borrow these items and more from the Library Service Desk using your NSHE ID card:

  • Windows laptops
  • Chromebooks
  • Portable chargers
  • Headphones

Contact the Library
Connect with friendly library staff for research help and information on services:

Librarians are also available to meet with students to provide assistance with research assignments.