Transfer Admissions
Admission with advanced undergraduate standing is granted to a student transferring from another accredited college or university provided that:
- The applicant is in good standing and eligible to return to the educational institution last attended; and,
- The applicant has twelve (12) transferable credits that have been completed with a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA);
- Applicants with eleven (11) or fewer completed transferable credits must fulfill both the freshman and transfer admission requirements. The high school record must meet the minimum 2.5 GPA and the college record must meet the minimum 2.0 GPA on all transferable credits completed.
When admitting a student, the institution may consider the student's standing at a previously attended institution, including, but not limited to, records or disciplinary action.
Individuals who have registered at other educational institutions may not disregard such records and submit an application on the basis of their high school or selected college transcripts. Any student is subjected to cancellation of admission if all admission requirements are not satisfied.
Applicants who are admitted to the university on the basis of incomplete or fraudulent credentials or misrepresentations in the written application shall have their;
- Admission and registration cancelled without refund of any fees; and,
- Total credits rescinded that have been earned following such admissions; and,
- Future registration at the university prohibited.