Nevada State University Catalogs - School of Nursing

School of Nursing

School of Nursing Mission

The Nevada State University School of Nursing fosters excellence in healthcare by providing innovative and evidence-based education.  Our focus on caring and competence leads to improved health, safety, and cultural awareness for all participants within the communities served.


School of Nursing Vision

Nevada State University School of Nursing is the leader in innovative teaching excellence that graduates a diverse population of safe and caring nurses who embrace all cultures in the community.


Masters of Nursing-Leadership Program Description

The Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) Leadership track is designed to support Registered Nurses in the pursuit of excellence in healthcare. The fully online and innovative curriculum spans essential nurse executive content using active learning modalities and both direct and indirect practice experiences that positively contribute to health outcomes. Our focus on caring and competence provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop a safe, effective, inclusive, and caring advanced nursing practice specialty.

Program Outcomes

  1. Construct right relationships in order to advance the improvement of culturally inclusive health outcomes.
  2. Integrate multiple, complex ways of knowing to creatively problem-solve for the continual improvement of caring-based nursing across diverse settings.
  3. Advocate for changes in healthcare systems that lead to improved quality and safety.
  4. Build systems of collaboration that include patients, families, communities, and members of the interprofessional team in order to achieve healthcare outcomes that promote well-being.
  5. Integrate information and technology to enhance communication, safety, decision-making, and coordinate care.
  6. Create an environment that fosters human dignity and equity by assuming an active leadership role in the profession and in healthcare systems. 
  7. Model accountability for ethical, safe, advanced nursing practice that leads to moral unity and harmony for self and others.