Nevada State University Catalogs - Technology Resources

Technology Resources

Information & Technology Services (ITS) is committed to providing students with the technological resources necessary to foster an environment of learning and collaboration. As a student at Nevada State University you will have access to the following technology resources and services.

Online Access

All online resources are available through the NSU Portal ( This one location provides access to campus announcements, news, printing, library research databases, personal network files, online courses (WebCampus/Canvas), and Student Center which includes online registration, payments, financial aid, and much more.

Additionally, from your Android or Apple iOS device, a free mobile app is available with access to news, events, campus directories, and maps. The app also provides access to add/drop classes, view final grades, check account balances, review financial aid, search for open classes, and much more. Download the mobile app by searching for "Nevada State University" in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.


Computer workstations are located in the following locations: 

  • CEB-207: 20 Windows based workstations
  • DAW-119: 24 Windows based workstations
  • LAS-126: 10 Windows based workstations 
  • RSC-205 (Library): 16 Windows based workstations
  • RSC-236: 12 Windows based workstations

All workstations provide access to the Internet, Microsoft Office, and printing.


Copiers/printers are located in each building and all enrolled students are topped off for free to $3.50 of print credit each semester. Black & white prints are $.05 per page with color prints costing $.15. Check your print credit by logging into the NSU Portal and clicking the “Printing” link. If you run out of print credit, you can add funds to your account online or using cash via a kiosk located on the 2nd floor of the Rogers Student Center.

Wireless Access

Wireless access is available at all Nevada State University facilities. To access it look for the network “NSU Secure” and sign in using your NSU username and password. Additionally, Nevada State University is part of the eduroam wireless network used at thousands of institutions around the world. To access the eduroam network on-campus or anywhere that supports it, log in using your along with your NSU password.


All students get an e-mail account that will serve as the official email address for Nevada State University communications. To access your account visit the NSU Portal and click on the “Email” link.


Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To reach our helpdesk call (702) 992-2400 or submit a request online by visiting and clicking on the “Need Help?” link at the bottom of the login area.