Nevada State University Catalogs - Additional Baccalaureate Degrees

Additional Baccalaureate Degrees

  1. After Previous NSU Degree: The following requirements apply to students pursing an Additional Baccalaureate Degree after completing a previous degree at Nevada State:
    1.  The student must reapply for admission to the University;
    2. The student will be held to all School, major, and graduation requirements for the catalog year in which they are readmitted;
    3. Core curriculum requirements completed for previous degrees completed at Nevada State will satisfy core curriculum requirements for the Additional Baccalaureate Degree, with the exception of any new or additional core curriculum requirements effective in the catalog year of readmission;
    4. The student must complete 30 upper-division credits in residence for the Additional Baccalaureate Degree. Credits that applied to earlier degrees earned from Nevada State, even those in excess of the 120 required for graduation, may not be applied towards the residency requirement for an Additional Baccalaureate Degree. Specific courses required for the Additional Baccalaureate Degree that were taken for an earlier degree earned at Nevada State will be waived; however credits towards residency must be made up through general electives.
  2. After Previous Baccalaureate Degree from Another NSHE Institution: : The core curriculum will be fulfilled by the previous degree, with the exception of any variation to core requirements required by the school or degree. A student who has earned a baccalaureate degree from another NSHE institution must meet the following requirements for an Additional Baccalaureate Degree at Nevada State:
    1. Complete all school and major requirements for the Additional Baccalaureate Degree;
    2. Complete a minimum of thirty (30) upper-division credits in residence at Nevada State University;
    3. Complete any variations to the core curriculum required for the Additional Baccalaureate Degree.
  3. After Previous Baccalaureate Degree from an Institution outside of NSHE:  A student earned a baccalaureate degree from a U.S. regionally-accredited institution must meet following requirements:
    1. Complete all school and major requirement for the Additional Baccalaureate Degree;
    2. Fulfill all core curriculum requirements that have not been fulfilled by the previous degree;
    3. Complete the Nevada Constitution core curriculum requirement, either by taking a relevant course at an NSHE institution or via Credit By Exam;
    4. Complete a minimum of thirty (30) upper-division credits in residence at Nevada State University.