To complete the following registration transaction, the student must contact the school offering the course to obtain permission:
Clearance of Accounts
Students who have a prior unpaid balance on their account are not allowed to register, receive a transcript of record, receive their diploma, or certification of enrollment.
Credit Load
The maximum number of credits that a degree-seeking student may take each semester is 21 credits. To enroll in more than 21 credits a semester, students must be approved for a Credit Overload (degree-seeking students only). Noncredit courses are considered as credit equivalents. Any exception to these regulations requires the advance written approval by the Dean of the student's school.
Non-degree students may take a maximum of 15 credits per semester and are not eligible for overload.
Spanish Language Placement
- Initial Placement: The default placement for Spanish coursework at NSU is SPAN 113: Elementary Spanish I. No placement exam is required to enroll in SPAN 113. Heritage Speakers who have regressed in Spanish read and writing skills may self-place into SPAN 226.
- Raising Initial Spanish Placement: Students who wish to place into a higher course may take a placement exam to determine the appropriate course placement. Placement exams are available to NSU students via Canvas in the Spanish Language Placement course shell.
- Students may take each level of the test or take the specific test they believe is suitable for their level of mastery. A score of 75% or higher is required to pass a level.
- NSU offers six placement exams, corresponding with SPAN 113, SPAN 114, SPAN 213, SPAN 214, SPAN 301, and SPAN 302. The course placement will correspond to the lowest level exam passed. For instance, if a student passes the exam for SPAN 213 but does not pass the exam for SPAN 214, the student will be placed into SPAN 213.
- Placement exams are for course placement purposes only. Students do not earn college credits for passing an exam.
- Students are encouraged to complete the Spanish Language Placement exam as early as possible. Course enrollment changes are dependent upon the availability of seats in the appropriate course, and may not be possible in the immediately upcoming term.
To view the full Placement Policy, visit
Adding Courses
Students may add courses/classes up until the last day of registration. See Academic Calendar for specific dates.
Late Registration
Students may enroll in classes up until the first week of instruction.
Auditing Courses
Students who wish to attend a class without being graded or receiving credit may choose to audit the course. Credit to Audit status must be made in the Office of the Registrar. See Academic Calendar for specific deadlines.
Class Absences
There are no official absences from any university class. It is the personal responsibility of the student to consult with the professor regarding absence from class.
Note, students who do not begin participating in a class during the first two weeks of instruction will be administratively dropped for nonattendance. For more information about enrollment cancellation for nonattendance, visit
Religious Holiday Policy: It is the policy of NSHE to be sensitive to the religious obligations of its students. Any student missing class, quizzes, examinations, or any other class or lab work because of observance of religious holidays shall, whenever possible, be given an opportunity during that semester to make up the missed work. The make-up will apply to religious holiday absence only. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor in writing if the student intends to participate in a religious holiday which does not fall on state holidays or periods of class recess. This policy shall not apply in the event that administering the assignment at an alternate time would impose an undue hardship on the instructor or the institution which could not have reasonably been avoided. Any student who is denied a make-up option after appropriately notifying the instructor shall have the right to appeal that decision through the normal appeal mechanism in place at the university. A student must make the initial appeal to the department chair or coordinator of the program in which the class is offered. If it is not resolved at that level, the student may appeal to the Dean or Director.
Class Conduct
Students may be dropped from class at any time for negligence or misconduct, upon recommendation of the instructor and with approval of the Dean.
Cancellation of Courses
The university reserves the right to cancel any course in which the enrollment is insufficient to warrant offering the course.
Dropping/Withdrawing Courses
Students may drop or withdraw from a course(s) without penalty until the last day of registration. Dropping a course(s) may affect a student’s financial aid.
After the last day of registration and up until 60 percent of the course instruction has occurred, students may drop or withdraw a course(s) with a “W” grade posted on the transcript. Refer to the academic calendar and your student center on myNSC for refund dates.
Students are not permitted to drop/withdraw from courses after 60 percent of the course instruction has occurred. A grade of “F” will be assigned for the unofficial drop/withdrawal.
Students with extenuating circumstances may file a petition for a “W” or “I” grade on one or more courses or withdraw completely from the university in lieu of the “F” grade assigned for unofficial drop or withdrawal. In both cases, students must follow the rules regarding policy for incomplete grade and complete withdrawal from the university.
Extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to:
- Deployment of the student in the United States Armed Forces;
- Death or incapacitation resulting from an illness or injury of the student or the student’s spouse, child, parent, or legal guardian that prevents the student from returning to the school for the remainder of the semester;
- Involuntary job transfer outside of the service area of the institution as documented by employer; or
- Other exceptional circumstance beyond the control of the institution or the student.
Withdrawal from the University
Students wishing to withdraw from the university for the semester should contact the advising staff for an exit withdrawal interview and assistance in finalizing their withdrawal from the university. Students who withdraw from the university after 60 percent of the course instruction has occurred and are passing, will receive grades of W on their transcript. Students who withdraw after 60 percent of the course instruction has occurred and are not passing, receive a grade of F.
Students who leave the university without officially withdrawing receive a failing grade in all courses.