Nevada State University Catalogs - Academic Disqualification

Academic Disqualification

A Graduate Student on academic Probation will be academically Disqualified for any of the following:

the Student’s GPA in all units attempted at NS falls below 2.5;
the Student fails to meet the requirements for removal from academic Probation within the prescribed time frame;
the Student fails to follow degree program handbook requirements.
Students cannot be placed on Probation for the first time at NS and be Disqualified in the same semester.

Student will be informed of Disqualification via NS email. A Student may appeal academic Disqualification up to thirty (30) calendar days from the date of academic Disqualification. Appeals should be made to the Office of the Provost or designee. Typical grounds for a successful appeal include significant improvement toward meeting the GPA requirements and/or extraordinary circumstances beyond the Student’s control. A successful appeal of Disqualification will result in the Student returning to Probationary status. Students who appeal unsuccessfully will need to apply for reinstatement as specified below if they wish to continue at NS.