Nevada State University Catalogs - Academic Success Center

Academic Success Center

 Academic Support

The mission of the Academic Success Center (ASC) is to provide academic guidance through peer-to-peer support, enhanced learning skills, and an atmosphere conducive to the learning process. The ASC provides free services such as individual or group tutoring, workshops, Embedded Course Support, and study/test taking strategies. Students may contact the Academic Success Center by phone (702) 992-2990, email, text (702) 605-2912, or stop by our office located inside the Library of the Rogers Student Center, located on the 2nd floor.


Below are detailed descriptions of free academic services:

  • Individual or Group Tutoring: Students can may meet with trained peer tutors in-person or online in one-one, group, or drop-in tutoring sessions. The ASC offers support in a variety of subject areas including American Sign Language, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Math, Pre-Nursing, Psychology, Spanish, Statistics, Technology, and Visual Media. While experienced in the content, tutors are not content experts and will not re-lecture the material or give direct answers. Instead, tutors and students will work through the material together in order to develop an understanding of the material.

  • Embedded Course Support: Embedded support takes the idea of tutoring to the next level – instead of a tutor waiting for students to come see them, the embedded peer leader:
    • Attends the class with students and models positive student behaviors during class discussions/activities
    • Holds weekly structured group study sessions
    • Provides individual mentoring or tutoring sessions outside of class (varies by type of service)
    • Meets regularly with the course instructor to discuss common questions or challenges that students may be experiencing in the course


    We have two embedded services at the ASC, the Course Assistant or “CA” program and Supplement Instruction or “SI” program. The Course Assistant Program targets first year gateway courses and focuses on helping new students transition to college through formal mentoring support. Supplemental Instruction targets upper level STEM, social science, or language courses and focuses on hosting the group review sessions outside of class, with less formal mentoring support.

  • Extend Tutoring via Canvas (Smarthinking): When campus tutors are not available, Nevada State students have access to 24/7 online tutoring through their Canvas course home page. Smarthinking allows students to connect on demand with an expert tutor for a live drop-in session 24 hours a day, schedule an appointment in advance, submit writing for detailed review, or ask a question offline. Smarthinking does not require any special software installation or equipment. To access the service online, NSC students sign in from any course home page in Canvas. Android and iOS apps are available so students can sign in from their mobile devices. For assistance with this service contact the ASC directly. This service is free to NSC students. All students are allotted an initial 10-15 hours of online tutoring for the year. If a student maxes out their 10-15 hours, they can contact the Academic Success Center to request more time.