b. Training on Prevention of Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment

Each institution shall provide ongoing training on the prevention of unlawful discrimination and harassment and shall designate a person or office to be responsible for such training.

Institutions must provide new students and new employees primary prevention and awareness training that promotes awareness of rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking as defined in this policy. The training must address safe and positive options for bystander intervention to prevent harm, including how to intervene in risky situations; the recognition of abusive behavior; and how to avoid potential attacks.

Within six months after an employee is initially appointed to NSHE, the employee shall receive training regarding the prevention of unlawful discrimination and harassment, including primary prevention and awareness training. At least once every two years after the appointment, an employee shall receive training concerning the prevention of unlawful discrimination and harassment.

Incoming freshmen and transfer students within their first semester of enrollment shall receive training regarding the prevention of unlawful discrimination and harassment, including primary prevention and awareness training.

See also Special Training with Regard to Sexual Violence in Subsection b of Subsection 3 of Subsection c below.