Nevada State University Catalogs - Speech Pathology B.A.

Speech Pathology B.A.

Program Description

The Bachelor of Arts in Speech Pathology is pre-professional program designed to prepare students for advanced study in Speech Language Pathology and/or to obtain the necessary licensure to work within the school systems in the State of Nevada. Instructional emphasis is placed on the identification of speech and language disorders and intervention for students ages 3-21. The American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association’s (ASHA) credentialing requirements for Speech Language. Pathology are used as a framework for the curriculum and program assessment.

Learner Outcomes

  1. Learner Outcome 1: Students will apply theories and principles of communication development and disorders from birth to age 21.
  2. Learner Outcome 2: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the assessment and remediation of individuals with communication disorders. Understand the nature and characteristics of speech, language and auditory disorders in children.
  3. Learner Outcome 3: Apply effective, clinical, problem-solving skills through scientific oral and written skills.
  4. Learner Outcome 4: Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary professional issues and ethical standards in the profession.


The Speech Pathology Program is approved for licensure by the Nevada Department of Education.

Program Admission

To establish eligibility for admission into the Speech Pathology Program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Admission into Nevada State College;
  • Completion of 30-45 credits that apply towards the major;
  • Degree Seeking Students: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0;
  • Post-Baccalaureate Students: Bachelor’s degree or higher with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0;
  • Passing scores on the reading, writing, and mathematics portions of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) exam or the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
  • Signed NSC Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Program Guide;
  • A valid substitute-teaching license through the Nevada Department of Education (NDE);
  • Signed Disposition.

Program applications are accepted no later than March 1st for the fall semester and October 15th for the spring semester. (Admission criteria is subject to change.)

Clinical Practicum

Clinical practicum is a full-time, semester long experience in a school-based setting. A mandatory, weekly seminar accompanies the supervised clinical practicum during which the student gradually assumes assessment and therapy responsibilities. Speech practicum students receive continual coaching and mentoring through regularly scheduled observations and evaluations by the site SLP supervisor and the NSC supervisor. Outside employment while completing practicum is strongly discouraged due to the intensity of this experience. Students will earn a letter grade in practicum.

Clinical practicum placements are restricted to the State of Nevada.

Passing scores on Praxis Subject Assessment are required for both practicum at Nevada State College and licensure by the Nevada Department of Education. To ensure timely submission of the scores students are strongly encouraged to take the test(s) two semester prior to applying for practicum. When completing registration material for the Praxis Subject Assessment, students must list NSC (R9020) and the Nevada Department of Education (R8670) as score recipients.

Acceptance into clinical practicum includes all of the following:

  • Admittance to the Speech Pathology Program;
  • Submission of clinical practicum application;
  • Earned minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0; (Resident GPA of 3.0 for post baccalaureate students);
  • Completion of all courses in the program of study required prior to practicum;
  • Clear FBI fingerprint report;
  • Proof of possession of $1 million in liability insurance;
  • Passing scores on the Praxis Subject Assessment is a practicum application requirement.

Practicum applications are accepted no later than March 1st for the fall semester and September 15th for the spring semester.

Program Completion


  • Completion of a minimum of 120 credits;
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0;
  • Completion of core and major requirements;
  • Passing score on the Praxis Subject Assessment


Recommended Schedule

A recommended course sequence for Speech Pathology B.A. is provided for students as guidance to complete their major in four years.

College Core Curriculum (31-42)

English (3-8 credits)

Refer to the English section of the Core Curriculum

Study and Technology Skills (0-3 credits)

Refer to the Study and Technology Skills section of the Core Curriculum

Mathematics (3-5 credits)

Refer to the Mathematics section of the Core Curriculum

Natural Sciences (7 credits)

BIOL 189AFundamentals of Life Science Lecture


BIOL 189LFundamentals of Life Science Lab


CHEM 105Chemistry, Man, and Society


Note: CHEM 105 (recommended) or higher

Social Sciences (3 credits)

PSY 101General Psychology


Fine Arts (3 credits)

Refer to the Fine Arts section of the Core Curriculum

Humanities (6 credits)

Refer to the Humanities section of the Core Curriculum

Constitution (3-6 credits)

Refer to the Constitution section of the Core Curriculum

Cultural Diversity (3 credits)

Refer to the Cultural Diversity section of the Core Curriculum

Major Requirements (85-87 credits)

EDU 163Praxis Core for Educators Literacy Lab


EDU 164Praxis Core for Educators Mathematics Lab


EDU 203Introduction to Special Education


EDSP 432Parent Involvement and Family Engagement for Students with/without Disabilities


EDRL 442Literacy Instruction I


ENG 211Introduction to Linguistics


PSY 210Introduction to Statistical Methods


PSY 330Foundations of Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood


SPA 201Introduction to Communication Disorders


SPA 320Introduction to Phonetics


SPA 330Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Language Mechanism


SPA 340Speech and Language Development


*EDU 163: The Praxis Core Literacy Lab will be waived for students who produce passing scores for both the reading and writing exams.
*EDU 164: The Praxis Core Mathematics Lab will be waived for students who produce a passing score for the mathematics exam.

Choose one from the following:

EDU 214Preparing Teachers to Use Technology


EDUC 416Internet Application for Educators


EDUC 417Literacy and Technology


The following courses require program admission:

SPA 362Introduction to Audiology I


SPA 364Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders


SPA 491AExtended Experience in SLP: Articulation Disorders Lab


SPA 366Speech & Hearing Science


SPA 370Methods of Clinical Management


SPA 400Assessment of Communication Disorders


SPA 491CExtended Experiences in SLP: Assessment LAB


SPA 401Fluency and Voice Disorders


SPA 421Communication and Aging


SPA 439Neurology and Speech Pathology


SPA 441Clinical Practicum


SPA 461Articulation II: Diagnosis and Treatment of Speech Disorders


SPA 466Aural Habilitation and Rehabilitation


SPA 467Communication and Language Disorders in Children


SPA 491BExtended Experience in SLP: Communication and Language Disorders LAB


Summary of credit requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Speech Pathology

College Core Curriculum


Major Requirements




Total Credits