Nevada State Student Code of Conduct and Policies

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Student Code of Conduct



The Student Code of Conduct seeks to establish high standards of conduct for the student community at Nevada State College (College). The Student Code, and its associated processes for the resolution of student misconduct, is intended to teach students to live and act responsibly in a community. As students participate in the campus community and its sponsored activities, they are responsible for their own actions and are subject to local, state, and federal laws as well as all College and Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

The College administration views the student conduct process as not only a disciplinary process but also a learning experience for the student involved, with the expectation that this experience may result in individual student growth, change in behavior, and increased understanding of the student’s responsibilities and privileges within the College community. The Student Code, therefore, functions as an aspect of the College’s educational process.

The goals of the student disciplinary system are (1) to promote a campus environment that supports the overall educational mission of the College; (2) to protect the College community from disruption and harm; (3) to encourage appropriate standards of individual and group behavior; and (4) to foster ethical standards and civic virtues.



1. The term “college” means Nevada State College.

2. The term “student” includes all persons taking courses at Nevada State College, either full-time or part-time. Persons who are officially enrolled but are not taking any course(s) in a particular term are considered students. This includes individuals who have applied for admission to the institution or have been notified of their acceptance for admission. A person considered a student remains so until a conduct matter is resolved, even if s/he leaves the College prior to resolution of the matter.

3. The term “member of the college community” includes any person who is a student, faculty member, College official, or any other person employed by the College. The student conduct officer shall determine a person’s status in a particular situation.

4. The term “college premises” includes all land, buildings, facilities, and other property owned, leased, used, or controlled by the College (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).

5. The term “student organization” means any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for recognition/registration by the Nevada State Student Alliance (NSSA).

6. The term “complainant” means any person who submits a charge alleging that a student violated the Student Code.

7. The term “charged student” means any student accused of violating this Student Code.

8. The term “NSHE” means the Nevada System of Higher Education, a system of universities, colleges, research and public service units of the University of Nevada.

9. The term “Board of Regents” is the body legally charged with the control and management of the NSHE, primarily by setting policy.



A. The Nevada State College Student Code of Conduct

The Nevada State College Student Code of Conduct is established pursuant to the President of the College’s authority under NSHE Code Title 2, Section 10.2.2 to establish and enforce rules and regulations governing student conduct. The President has delegated the responsibility for enforcing such rules and regulations to the Student Conduct Officer. The Student Conduct Officer is responsible for coordinating all activities of the College student disciplinary system and reports to the President. The authority for determining procedures for hearings and sanctions for Code violations, however, ultimately rests with the President or designee.

The College’s disciplinary authority extends to persons identified as students because of their status as enrolled in the institution on a part-time, full-time, or auditing basis. This scope of authority also extends to persons with a continued intent to pursue an education at the College.

Every student shall be responsible for all personal conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree, even when conduct occurs before classes begin or after classes end, such as during periods between semesters. The Student Code shall apply to a student's conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary case is pending. When a student leaves the College, any unresolved complaints of alleged misconduct will be reviewed and addressed upon the student's return. If there were circumstances involving a student graduate of the College who is found to have been involved in action which directly affects the status of the degree and/or the College community, the College would invoke its authority to resolve the incident through a review of, and possible action to modify, the student's status and record.

The authority of the College to address student conduct involves all students while they are: present on premises owned or leased by the College, housing, in off-campus buildings used by students through their association with a student organization, in off-campus locations approved by the College for student employment placement; or at another site for an academic or extracurricular College-related experience. This authority extends to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the College community and/or the pursuit of its objectives, and where it adversely affects the health, safety, or security of any member of the College.

When an incident occurs off-campus that is not at a College or sponsored event, it will be the responsibility of the President to determine whether College authority will be asserted. The President will review each incident referred to the Office of the President on a case-by-case basis to allow the institution to consider the unique facts of each situation involving student behavior.

Students may also be subject to rules of other College organizations, academic programs, and facilities that impose additional standards of conduct. Those standards may be enforced without requirement to follow Student Code of Conduct procedures.


B. Conduct – Rules and Regulations

Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit any of the following misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article III:

1. Violation of stated prohibitions, policies, procedures, rules, or regulations of Nevada State College or Nevada System of Higher Education.

2. Violation of any federal, state, or local law.

3. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the following:

a. Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty.
b. Furnishing false information to any College official, faculty member, or office.
c. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College document, record, or instrument of identification.

4. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, other College activities, including its public service functions on or off-campus, or of other authorized non-College activities when the conduct occurs on College premises.

5. Conduct that endangers the health or safety of any member or guest of the College community, including conduct which the student presents a danger to self.

6. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.

7. Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property of the College or property of a member of the College community or other personal or public property, on or off-campus.

8. False reporting of any emergency situation. Unauthorized tampering with, and/or accessing of, safety, security, or fire protection equipment or devices. Setting off a fire alarm for reasons other than actual fire or emergency. Involvement in setting or causing any unauthorized fire in or on College property.

9. Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim is not a valid defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act; it is a violation of this rule.

10. Failure to comply with the valid directions of College officials acting pursuant to their official duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when validly requested to do so.

11. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any College premises or unauthorized entry to or use of College premises.

12. Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or other controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law.

Nevada State College is sympathetic to the medical needs of our students, employees, and visitors. A growing number of states, including Nevada, are enacting laws decriminalizing or legalizing the use, possession, delivery, manufacture, growth, distribution, production, and/or cultivation (hereinafter “use”) of medical marijuana. Federal law prohibits the use of medical marijuana on college and university campuses that receive federal funding. Therefore, the use, possession, or cultivation of marijuana, including for medical purposes, on any Nevada State College or Nevada State College Foundation owned or leased property, or at any Nevada State College sponsored or authorized activity, is expressly prohibited.

13. Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by College regulations), or public intoxication. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstance, be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age.

14. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on College premises or use of any such item, even if legally possessed, in a manner that harms, threatens, or causes fear to others.

15. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on College premises or at College sponsored or supervised functions.

16. Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources, including but not limited to:

a. Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.
b. Unauthorized transfer of a file.
c. Use of another individual’s identification and/or password.
d. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or College official.
e. Use of computing facilities and resources to send obscene or abusive messages.
f. Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with normal operation of the College computing system.
g. Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws.
h. Any violation of College or NSHE computer use policy.

17. Any act of unlawful discrimination based on race, creed, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, gender identity, or genetic information, or any act of employment or educational retaliation against any person who has made a complaint about such discrimination.

18. Any act of sexual harassment when submission to a request or demand of a sexual nature is either an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment or of academic study or grading, or where verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature has the effect of creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work or educational environment. Sexual harassment includes sexual violence.

19. Sexual assault, which is the use of, or threat to use, force or violence of a sexual nature against any member or guest of the College community on College owned or College controlled property or at any College sponsored program or activity.

20. Abuse of the student conduct system, including but not limited to:

a. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information during the course of the conduct resolution process.
b. Contempt of student disciplinary proceedings, including impairing or interrupting any proceeding.
c. Initiation of a student conduct code proceeding in bad faith.
d. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participating in, or use of, the student conduct system.
e. Failure to comply with sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code.

21. Stalking is defined to be when a person who, without lawful authority, willfully or maliciously engages in a course of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, harassed or fearful for the immediate safety of a family or household member, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, harassed or fearful for the immediate safety of a family or household member. Stalking includes but is not limited to:

a. Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to:

i. Fear for the person's safety or the safety of others; or

ii. Suffer substantial emotional distress. 

b. For the purpose of this definition:

i. Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a person’s property.

ii. Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

iii. Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.

22, Willful incitement of individuals to commit any acts herein prohibited.


C. Nevada System of Higher Education – Additional Standards of Conduct

In addition to regulations for student conduct for Nevada State College, all students and student organizations are responsible for following the Rules of Conduct and Procedures for Students of the Nevada System of Higher Education. The prohibited conduct is found in the NSHE Code, Section 10.2.1.

D. Violation of Federal, State, or Local Law and College Discipline

1. When a student is charged by federal, state, or local authorities with a violation of the law, the College will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual due to the status as a student. Action by the College may go forward regardless of other possible or pending administrative, civil or criminal proceedings arising out of the same or other incidents. The person filing the complaint may choose to file charges against the student in both arenas: internally, through the College student conduct system, or externally, through the criminal justice or civil system.

2. The College may advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Student Code and of the process for resolution of a potential violation of the Student Code. The College will cooperate with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of criminal law on campus. Individual students remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem appropriate. Decisions on the College student conduct case resolution, including sanctions imposed, shall not be subject to change because criminal charges arising out of the same facts prompting the violation of College rules were dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor or against the student defendant in court.



A. Resolution of Student Conduct Charges

1. Appointment of Student Conduct Officer

a. The President or his/her designee may appoint a Student Conduct Officer and alternate Student Conduct Officer(s) to serve if the Student Conduct Officer is unable to perform the duties of this section for any reason.

2. Charges of Student Misconduct

a. Any member of the College community may file charges against a student for violations of the Student Code. A charge shall be prepared in writing and filed with the Student Conduct Officer. Any charge should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place. If a charge is determined by the Student Conduct Officer and/or the President's designee to violate federal, state, or local law, the matter will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency for their investigation.

3. Investigations

a. The Student Conduct Officer may conduct an investigation to determine if the charge has merit. At any time, the Student Conduct Officer, with the approval of the President or his/her designee, may determine that the best course of action is to informally resolve the charge through mediation, conflict resolution, or an educational conference. Upon completion of the investigation, the Student Conduct Officer will deliver a letter to the student. The letter shall state the factual allegations, the charges, the Student Conduct Officer's proposed informal resolution process, if not completed earlier, and a copy of the Student Code of Conduct.

4. Informal Resolution of the Charges

a. The charged student shall participate in and work with the Student Conduct Officer for an informal resolution of the charge. At the conclusion of the successful informal resolution process, a written determination shall be signed by the Student Conduct Officer and charged student, which may include any of the disciplinary sanctions described in the Student Code of Conduct. At any time prior to signing a written determination, the charged student can request a formal hearing as the means to resolve the complaint.

5. Failure to Reach Resolution

a. If the Student Conduct Officer and charged student do not reach an informal resolution or if the charged student requests a hearing, then the Student Conduct Officer shall notify the charged student in writing that the matter will be addressed through a hearing before a student conduct board  of students, faculty, and staff. A time for the hearing, not more than twenty-five (25) calendar days from the date of the decision to proceed with formal resolution of the complaint, shall be set. Maximum time limits for scheduling hearings may be extended at the discretion of the Student Conduct Officer. Notice of the hearing may be given by electronic mail, by first-class mail via the U.S. Postal Service with delivery confirmation to the last known address of the student, or by personal delivery. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain an operational preferred email address and mailing address.

6. Appointment of Hearing Boards or Hearing Officer

a. The President or designee may appoint an individual hearing officer or establish a conduct hearing board.

7. Formal Resolution of the Charges

a. Appointment of Hearing Boards or Hearing Officer

i. The President or designee may establish a student conduct hearing board or appoint an individual hearing officer. A student conduct hearing board will have a chair and shall include at least one (1) student and at least one (1) faculty member.

b. Hearing Procedures

i. In hearings involving more than one charged student, the Student Conduct Officer has the discretion to permit the hearing concerning each charged student to be conducted either separately or jointly.

ii. The charged student has the right to be assisted by an advisor. The advisor serves as a supporter and advisor during the conduct hearing. The charged student and the Student Conduct Officer are responsible for presenting their own information, introducing witnesses, and answering questions throughout the hearing. When a student selects an advisor, in this process the advisor has no right to speak during the hearing except to the charged student. The advisor may be an attorney. The charged student must give written notice of the name and address of the advisor, and whether the advisor is an attorney, to the Student Conduct Officer at least five (5) college working days before the time set for the hearing. An advisor will not be permitted at the hearing without such notice. The Student Conduct Officer has sole discretion to delay a hearing to accommodate scheduling conflicts of an advisor.

iii. The charged student and Student Conduct Officer shall exchange lists of all witnesses and provide copies of all documents which each side proposes to introduce into evidence at least five (5) college working days prior to the hearing.

iv. The charged student(s) and advisors, if any, along with the Student Conduct Officer, shall be allowed to attend the entire portion of the hearing, at which information is received, excluding the time of deliberations. Admission of any other person to the hearing shall be at the discretion of the hearing officer.

v. Witnesses will be examined by the Student Conduct Officer and the charged student. The hearing officer or student conduct board members may ask questions of the witnesses. The burden of proof rests with the Student Conduct Officer.

vi. A student conduct board, hearing officer, or Student Conduct Officer, may accommodate concerns for personal safety, well-being, and or fears of confrontation, by the complainant, the charged student, and witnesses, during the hearing or during the informal resolution process by providing the opportunity for the hearing officer or Student Conduct Officer to receive the pertinent information and conduct conversations for the resolution of the case using methods other than requiring both parties to be present in the same room at the same time. Such options may include use of a visual screen, participation by videophone, closed circuit television, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other means, as determined by the hearing officer, in the case of formal hearings and the Student Conduct Officer in the case of an informal resolution process.

vii. Either party may present pertinent written statements, records, or other information to the hearing officer. The Student Conduct Officer bears the burden of proof. The standard is preponderance of the evidence. The formal rules of evidence in court shall not apply; however, irrelevant or unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.

viii. To the extent consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. section 1232g, the hearing, except for deliberations, shall be taped or digitally recorded. Upon request by the student, a written transcript will be provided at the student's expense. Personally identifiable information pertaining to other students will be redacted. The record shall be the property of the College, and will be maintained with the student's conduct records by the Student Conduct Officer.

ix. Hearings shall be conducted in private, unless the charged student requests an open hearing.

x. If a charged student, with notice, does not appear at a hearing, the information in support of the complaint shall be presented, considered, and acted upon even if the charged student is not present. Failure of the student to appear is not evidence that the student was responsible for the charge of misconduct.

xi. The hearing will proceed according to the College’s schedule and will not be delayed by another proceeding off campus.

xii. The hearing officer presides over the hearing, including swearing in witnesses, maintaining order, and deciding matters of admission of evidence.

xiii. The student conduct board or the hearing officer deliberates in closed session after the hearing has concluded, and shall determine whether the charged student has violated the section(s) of the Student Code of Conduct alleged.

xiv. The hearing officer's or the student conduct board’s determination shall be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the charged student violated the rules of conduct alleged.

xv. If the charged student is found not to have violated the Student Code of Conduct, then the hearing is concluded. If the charged student is found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct, then the student conduct board or hearing officer will discuss possible sanctions for the student after being informed of the student's disciplinary record with the institution.

xvi. The hearing officer or student conduct board will provide the decisions on the violation and, if appropriate, for sanctions to the Student Conduct Officer and to the student. This written decision will be served within seven (7) calendar days of the conclusion of the hearing. The written decision may be served by electronic mail, or by first-class mail via the U.S. Postal Service with delivery confirmation to the last known address of the student, or by personal delivery. Service is complete upon sending of the email or depositing with the U.S. Postal Service.


8. Additional Procedures Available when Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault Is Alleged


a. Cases in which sexual assault is alleged will be managed in coordination with the campus Title IX Officer.

b. An alleged victim of sexual harassment or sexual assault shall have the opportunity to select an independent advisor for assistance, support and advice. Complainants shall be advised by the Student Conduct Officer at the beginning of the complaint process that they may select an independent advisor and it shall become the choice of the alleged victim to utilize or not utilize the independent advisor. The independent advisor may be brought into the process at any time at the request of the alleged victim.
c. The complainant may choose to not permit the matter to be resolved by the informal resolution process or may terminate the informal resolution process at any time prior to a written determination being signed. If sexual assault is alleged, the informal resolution process may not be used.
d. The complainant must agree to the charge being heard by a hearing officer or hearing board.
e. The complainant must be given the opportunity to participate in any pre-hearing procedures.
f. In a hearing involving more than one charged student, the hearing officer or hearing board may require a charged student to be absent from any testimony that is not relevant to that charged student.
g. The complainant must receive a list of all witnesses at the same time it is received by the Student Conduct Officer and charged student.
h. The complainant must be permitted an advisor during the hearing who shall have the same duties as the advisor for the charged student.
i. The Student Conduct Officer shall work closely with the complainant in developing a list of witnesses and other evidence to be offered at the hearing
j. The complainant shall be served a copy of the decision of the hearing officer or hearing board, if the discipline directly relates to the complainant.
k. If the complainant is aggrieved by the decision of the hearing officer or hearing board, the complainant may request the student conduct officer to appeal the decision to the President in the same manner as the accused student.
l. In a complaint alleging sexual violence or non-forcible sex offense, the complete decision of the hearing officer and the decision on appeal shall be given to the complainant and may be released to anyone upon request.


B. Appeals

1. A charged student who is aggrieved by the decision of a hearing officer or student conduct board may appeal to the President or designee. The appeal shall be in writing and delivered to the Student Conduct Officer within fourteen (14) calendar days of the student’s receipt of the decision. The student’s appeal must include all written arguments in support of the appeal.

2. Grounds for an appeal are:

a. Deviations from procedures set forth which result in significant prejudice.
b. The evidence presented at the hearing was not substantial enough to justify the decision.
c. The student/organization charged was not afforded an adequate opportunity to prepare and present a defense.
d. The sanction imposed was not appropriate for the violation established.
e. New information, sufficient to alter a decision, and which could not have been discovered with due diligence before the hearing, is available.

3. The Student Conduct Officer shall review the appeal and direct it, along with the recording of the hearing, any written evidence and arguments, and the decision to the President or designee within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the appeal. With the record, the Student Conduct Officer shall file written arguments in opposition to the appeal.

4. The President or designee shall review the recording of the hearing and the complaint, and the decision, along with any information and evidence that was part of the decision-making process for the conduct case, and may uphold or modify the decision, may refer the case back to the original hearing officer, or may order a new hearing before a new hearing officer.

5. The decision of the President or designee shall be in writing and served upon the student and Student Conduct Officer within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the appeal. The President or designee may extend the time limit of this section by written notice to the parties.

6. Any sanction against the student shall not take effect until any appeal is concluded.

7. The Student Conduct Officer may suspend any time limits contained in this chapter during winter or summer breaks.

C. Sanctions

Disciplinary sanctions are those actions imposed through informal resolution by the Student Conduct Officer or through a formal hearing. The Student Conduct Officer shall be responsible for monitoring the student’s compliance with the sanctions imposed. Disciplinary sanctions, may include Not in Good Standing status on transcript as well as institutional expulsion or withholding of a degree, shall become part of the student’s permanent academic record.

1. The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct:

a. Warning. A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated the Student Code of Conduct.
b. Restitution. Compensation for loss, damage, theft, or misappropriation of property, or injuries sustained in an incident of student misconduct. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
c. Probation. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to violate any College policies, rules, procedures, or regulations during the probationary period.
d. Loss of Privileges. Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time, including, but not limited to, eligibility for student employment; participation in student clubs and organizations, participation as a student ambassador; etc.
e. Discretionary and Educational Sanctions. Participation in specific educational programs, such as: alcohol and/or other drug educational intervention programs, assessments, educational activities (e.g. on-line instructional workshops), work assignments, service to the College or the surrounding community, or other related discretionary assignments.
f. College Suspension. Exclusion for a definite period of time from attending classes and from participating in other activities of the System, as set forth in a written notice to the student. The official transcript of the student shall be marked "DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION EFFECTIVE ____TO ___." The parents or legal guardians of minor students shall be notified of the action.
A student who is enrolled in the last semester before graduation or is not currently enrolled in the System and who was not registered during the previous semester or who graduated at the end of the previous semester may request that the notation of the disciplinary suspension be removed from the official transcript when two (2) years have elapsed since the expiration of the student's suspension. Such request must be submitted in writing to the President or designee in accordance with Nevada System of Higher Education Code Title 2, Section 10.4.9(j). If the request is not granted, the student at yearly intervals thereafter may submit a request for removal of the notation.

g. Deferred College Suspension. Deferred suspension of the student from the College until the close of the current semester or some other time frame for review of student progress in addressing the conduct concern. If further conduct violations occur during the period of suspension, a recommended suspension takes effect immediately.
h. Medical Leave of Absence. A withdrawal from the College for medical, psychological, or other treatment needs, in which the student agrees to provide documentation of successful resolution of the medical concern and/or treatment program prior to re-enrolling in the College.
i. College Expulsion. Termination of student registration and status for an indefinite period of time. Permission of the President shall be required for readmission. The official transcript of the student shall be marked "DISCIPLINARY EXPULSION EFFECTIVE ____." The parents or legal guardians of minor students shall be notified of the action.

A student who is enrolled the last semester before graduation or is not currently enrolled in the System and who was not registered during the previous semester or who graduated at the end of the previous semester may request that the notation of the disciplinary expulsion be removed from the official transcript when four (4) years have elapsed since the expiration of the student's expulsion or termination. Such request must be submitted in writing to the President or designee in accordance with Nevada System of Higher Education Code Title 2, Section 10.4.9(l). If the request is not granted, the student at yearly intervals thereafter may submit a request for removal of the notation.

j. Revocation of Admissions and/or Degree. Admission to or a degree awarded from the College may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violations of College standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious academic violations committed by a student prior to graduation.

k. Not in Good Standing. Status on transcript designates students left the College before disciplinary sanctions were completed.

2. More than one of the sanctions listed above may be imposed for any single violation.

3. Other than College expulsion, revocation, or withholding of a degree, disciplinary sanctions shall not be made part of the student's permanent academic record, but shall become part of the student's disciplinary record maintained by the appointed Student Conduct Officer. Upon graduation, the student's disciplinary record may be expunged of disciplinary actions other than suspension, expulsion, revocation, or withholding of a degree, upon application to the Student Conduct Officer and approval by the President.

4. NOTE: Students found responsible for an academic dishonesty violation may be subject to additional academic sanctions as stated within the Academic Integrity Policy; student organizations may be subject to sanctions as stated in the section on Student Organizations that follows.

D. Emergency Removal

The President or designee may order the immediate removal of a student from the campus so as to:

1. Ensure the safety and well-being of members of the College community;
2. Protect College property;
3. Ensure the student's own physical or emotional safety and well-being;
4. Prevent an ongoing threat of disruption of, or interference with, the normal operations of the College; or
5. Protect any student from sexual harassment or retaliation for the report of sexual harassment.

This removal shall be accompanied by denial to the student of access to the campus, including classes, and/or to all other College activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as the President deems to be appropriate. During the time of the removal from campus, the student may not come onto College property for any reason other than meeting with appropriate College official(s), when asked to do so, regarding resolution of the emergency removal and the student conduct resolution.

Any student so removed shall be afforded an opportunity to a hearing no later than fourteen (14) calendar days following the removal. Such hearing shall be limited to whether the emergency removal should continue pending the outcome of a disciplinary hearing. A hearing officer shall hold the hearing under the hearing procedures of the Student Code. The President’s or designee’s decision upon the hearing officer's recommendation shall be final.

The emergency removal does not replace the regular disciplinary process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule, up to and through a student conduct hearing, if required.

In circumstances where a student is removed for their own emotional and personal safety, a resolution on the decision regarding the student's removal from campus will be addressed within an informal meeting with the Student Conduct Officer, with the goal of the meeting being a plan for most effectively meeting the student's personal and scholarly needs as a continuing student.

E. Student Organizations

Student organizations are expected at all times to conduct themselves in accordance with the Student Code. A student organization believed to be involved in any of the activities identified in these regulations or policies as misconduct may be reported to the student conduct officer for an investigation of the activity in question.

1. Procedure for Student Organizations. The procedure for addressing a charge filed through the Student Conduct Officer against a student organization is as follows:

a. A written complaint is made with the Student Conduct Officer.
b. The Student Conduct Officer investigates the complaint.
c. The Student Conduct Officer will determine whether the evidence supports the allegation of misconduct, and if so, may proceed with informal resolution, including the imposition of any of the sanctions listed below.
d. The student organization may accept the decision or may request a hearing.
e. A hearing officer will meet with the appropriate parties to make findings of fact and determine appropriate sanctions.

2. Sanctions for student organizations include all those stated under "Sanctions," in addition to:

a. Probation from participating in student organization(s) for up to one (1) academic year.
b. Prohibition from recruiting and/or accepting new members.
c. Prohibition from participating in College events and co-curricular activities.
d. Restitution. The requirement to reimburse the legal owners for a loss due to defacement, damage, fraud, theft or misappropriation of property. The failure to make restitution shall be the cause for more severe disciplinary action.
e. Denial or use of college facilities.
f. Loss of recognition.

F. Interpretation and Revision

Any question of interpretation or application of the Student Code of Conduct shall be referred to the College’s General Counsel.

The Student Code shall be reviewed periodically under the direction of the Office of the President.
Contact information for Student Conduct Officer: Stefanie Coleman,, (702)992-2511, Rogers Student Center Building, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, NV 89002.

This Student Code of Conduct follows the format, design, and wording of much of the "Model Student Conduct Code", as devised, published, and provided to college and university student conduct officers in the United States by Edward N. Stoner II and John Wesley Lowery. This model code is officially titled: "Navigating Past the 'Spirit of Insubordination' ." The version of this Model Student Conduct Code utilized for the Nevada State College Student Code of Conduct appears in the Journal of College and University Law, Volume 31, No 1: 2004, as published by the National Association of College and University Attorneys and the Notre Dame Law School. This document is available for review in the Office of the President, Nevada State College, at (702) 992-2059.

Academic Standards

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a fundamental value at Nevada State College and is centered on honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Supporting and affirming these values is essential to promoting and maintaining a high level of academic integrity.

If knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the values of Nevada State College and shall not be tolerated under any circumstances. A violation of academic integrity is an act that is harmful to students, faculty, and ultimately, the institution.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is against College as well as System Community Standards. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

Plagiarism: Failure to properly acknowledge authorities quoted, cited, or consulted in the preparation of written work. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

  1. Directly quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing the work of others without specific indication of sources, or handing in work that is not the student’s own.
  2. Copying and/or presenting the words of others as one’s own writing, including from Internet sources.
  3. Copying words, even if you cite the sources, unless appropriate quotation is noted.
  4. Expressing in your own words someone else’s ideas as your own.

Cheating: The deception about one’s own work or about the work of another. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

  1. Submitting another’s work as one’s own or allowing another to submit one’s work as though it were their own.
  2. Several people completing an assignment that was not explicitly assigned as a group project and turning in multiple copies, all represented either implicitly or explicitly as individual work.
  3. The use of a textbook or notes during an examination without the explicit permission of the instructor. This includes online and take-home exams.
  4. Giving or receiving unauthorized help on assignments.
  5. Stealing a problem solution from an instructor.
  6. Tampering with experimental data to obtain ‘desired’ results or creating results for experiments not completed.
  7. Tampering with or destroying the work of others.
  8. Submitting substantial portions of the same academic work more than once without permission of the instructor.
  9. Falsifying college records, forms, or other documents.
  10. Falsifying clinical hours, supervised field experience hours, or student teaching hours.
  11. Unauthorized access of computer systems or files.
  12. Attempting to bribe an instructor or administrator.

A faculty member who suspects a student of academic dishonesty shall notify the student and offer the student an opportunity for an initial meeting to discuss the allegation and to present any relevant information. When possible, this initial meeting shall occur within seven (7) calendar days of discovery of the alleged violation. Proceedings in case discussions are informal and non-adversarial. The faculty member may make a verbal agreement on, or provide the student with a written or electronic notice, of, a scheduled meeting. The faculty member may request a witness to be present for this meeting. The purpose of this initial meeting is to review and discuss the charges before a decision is reached. The faculty member may use documentary evidence provided the student is allowed to respond to it at the meeting. At this initial meeting the following results may occur:

  1. The allegations are dismissed;
  2. The student accepts responsibility for the violation and accepts the academic sanction(s) proposed by the faculty member;
  3. The student accepts responsibility for the violation but does not accept the sanction and requests a hearing;
  4. The student does not accept responsibility for the violation and requests a hearing.
  5. If the allegations are dropped or the student accepts responsibility for the violation and accepts the sanction(s), the case is closed.

Appeal Process

  1. If the student appeals the action and requests a hearing, the following process will be followed: The student must appeal, in writing, to the Academic Dean, within ten (10) calendar days after the decision of the faculty member.
  2. Within five (5) calendar days the Academic Dean will notify the faculty member of the appeal.
  3. The hearing will be scheduled no less than ten (10) calendar days from the date of the appeal. (The student may waive this period and have the hearing sooner.)

Hearing Board

The Hearing Board shall consist of the following members with due consideration being given to possible conflicts of interest:

  • Two (2) undergraduate students.
  • Three (3) faculty members. To ensure the impartiality of the Hearing Board, members must be appointed from programs other than those in which the case originated and in which the accused student is majoring.

Hearing Procedure

  1. The hearing will be held within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the case has been referred.
  2. The Dean will call the accused student to appear before the hearing board. If the student wishes to be accompanied by an advisor or an attorney, the board must be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. The faculty member shall also be present, and may be accompanied by an advisor or by an attorney whenever the student chooses such counsel.
  3. The Dean will state the content of the report of alleged academic dishonesty and the specific charges made.
  4. The faculty member will appear before the board to present evidence against the student. The chair of the board may call other witnesses. The accused student and board members may cross-examine.
  5. The student may present evidence on their own behalf.
  6. The board members will then meet in closed session to make a final decision.
  7. If the student is found to be guilty, the hearing board shall consult about any past record of academic misconduct.
  8. The hearing board then shall recommend appropriate disciplinary sanctions to the Dean and apprise the faculty member of its deliberations. If the student has been found guilty, the faculty member may impose an academic sanction in addition to the disciplinary sanction (see below).

Academic Sanctions

The following academic sanctions may be imposed if a student has admitted responsibility for the violation or if the hearing board has found the student guilty:

  • Cancel the student’s enrollment in the class without a grade;
  • Give a grade of “0” or “F” for any assignment;
  • Give a grade of “F” in the course.

Disciplinary Sanctions

In addition to the academic sanction imposed by the faculty member, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

Enrollment Cancellation for Nonattendance (AE 8)

This policy (AE 8) establishes the process through which students who do not begin to participate in a course in which they are registered (whether the course is offered in a face-to-face, hybrid, or online format) will be administratively dropped for nonattendance.

Nevada State College is committed to serving its students and maintaining accurate enrollment records. Introducing an administrative drop option for non-attending students addresses several issues. When students remain in courses they never attend, they incur unnecessary debt; students’ GPAs also suffer when failing grades are assigned for non-attendance. Administratively dropping students who never begin participating in a course provides a better alternative.

In addition, the College is required to determine whether a student participated in a course in order to correctly report enrollment to state and federal agencies and to administer federal Student Aid, Veterans Administration benefits, and other federal, state, institutional, and private aid programs.


Hybrid Course: A course in which instructional contact time is met through a combination of face-to-face class meetings and online learning activities.

In-Person Participation: Participation that meets the threshold for a student to have formally begun attendance in a face-to-face or hybrid course.  While the most common measure is class meeting attendance, it may also be defined as the completion of a graded assignment, quiz, or meaningful discussion relating to course-specific subject matter.

Substantive Online Participation: Participation that meets the threshold for a student to have formally begun attendance in an online course.  At minimum, substantive participation would include completion of one graded assignment, quiz, or meaningful discussion relating to course-specific subject matter.


I. Measuring Participation

Faculty will record participation in all courses (regardless of format) during the first two weeks of fall and spring terms. For face-to-face and hybrid courses, faculty will report In-Person Participation; for fully online courses, participation is measured through Substantive Online Participation. To fulfill federal requirements, online activities which are used to track attendance for reporting purposes must be “academically related.” Non-academic assignments, such as posting a biographical description in a discussion forum or completing a syllabus quiz, do not qualify as academically-related activities.

II. Reporting Participation

By 3:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on the second Friday of the term (with the exception of accelerated terms lasting fewer than twelve [12] weeks), course instructors will indicate on the Attendance Roster in the myNSC Faculty Center whether each student has begun participating in their course.

III. Administrative Drop Process

The Registrar’s Office will administratively drop students reported by faculty as not participating. Whenever possible, administrative drops from courses will occur by 5:00 pm PST on the second Friday of the term (for terms of twelve [12] weeks or greater length). Delays may occur if all faculty have not completed the attendance verification process or other unforeseen issues arise. In such cases, the Registrar’s Office will prioritize completing administrative drops as quickly as possible.

Administratively dropped students will be removed from the course roster and from the course website in the learning management system; the course will not appear on the student’s transcript. The Office of the Registrar will report the student’s updated registration status and level to the National Student Clearinghouse.

The Cashier’s Office will reverse all institutional charges related to a course from which a student is administratively dropped. The Office of Financial Aid will make any necessary adjustments to a student’s award package based on the enrollment change and the Veterans Administration (VA) Certifying Official will update enrollment certifications as necessary.

The College syllabus template will be revised to describe the administrative drop process and the consequences for non-attendance.

IV. Adjusted Timelines for Accelerated Terms

The Office of the Registrar will provide adjusted timelines for accelerated classes of fewer than twelve (12) weeks in length. All timelines will be distributed via email on the Friday prior to the beginning of each term.

V. Petitions for Reinstatement

Students may petition to the Office of the Registrar for reinstatement in a course from which they were administratively dropped. Reinstatement requires instructor approval. The College does not guarantee reinstatement into a class from which a student was dropped for non-participation.

Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure (AE 9.1)

This policy (AE 9.1) provides a process for students to appeal a Final Grade and establishes the review process for such appeals. The Grade Appeal Policy provides students with a safeguard against unfair or biased evaluations of their academic performance.


Final Course Grade: The letter grade submitted to the official grade roster and reported on official transcripts.

Working Day: Monday through Friday when college classes are scheduled and in session during the fall and spring semesters; does not include summer and winter terms or holidays when the instructor is off contract.


I. Eligibility to Appeal

The procedures set forth in this policy are applicable only to examine a student’s claim of an unfair academic evaluation made by the instructor that resulted in an inappropriate or inaccurate Final Course Grade.


Students may appeal a Final Course Grade if one or more of the following circumstances apply:

  1. A clerical or administrative error occurred in the calculation and/or assignment of the grade;
  2. The student believes the instructor assigned a Final Course Grade based on factors other than the student’s performance in the course and/or completion of course requirements;
  3. The student believes the instructor assigned a Final Course Grade that held the student to more demanding standards than other students in the same course section.

Students are not eligible to appeal a Final Course Grade if any of the following circumstances apply:

  • The student received the Final Course Grade as a result of academic misconduct;
  • The sole rationale for appeal is that the student seeks to reverse the impact of the Final Course Grade on the student’s academic progress, eligibility for financial aid, scholarships, veteran’s benefits, athletics, and/or other programs or activities;
  • The sole rationale for appeal is that the student observed or experienced differences in grading practices between different instructors, different courses, or different sections of the same course.

II. Attempt at Informal Resolution with Instructor

If a student has a dispute regarding the Final Course Grade assigned in a course, it is the student’s responsibility to collect and present evidence to the instructor regarding the accuracy of the Final Course Grade. The student must contact the instructor, via email or the learning management system, no later than five (5) Working Days after the Final Course Grade is officially posted to the student information system by the Office of the Registrar. The student should document all communication and retain any relevant evidence for review by the instructor, and, if a formal appeal is later filed, for others involved in the appeal process.

If the instructor agrees that the Final Course Grade should be changed (e.g. a clerical error is discovered), the instructor will submit a Grade Change Form to the Office of the Registrar.

If the student and instructor are unable to resolve the situation informally, or if the instructor does not respond, within ten (10) Working Days of the student’s first communication to the instructor about the Final Course Grade, the student may proceed to a Departmental Grade Appeal.

III. Departmental Grade Appeal

To initiate a Departmental Grade Appeal, the student shall submit the Departmental Grade Appeal Form, available from the Office of the Registrar.

  1. Deadline to Appeal: A Departmental Grade Appeal must be filed no later than five (5) Working Days after the informal resolution period concludes; this will usually fall within the first week of the following or spring semester. A student who fails to file within this time period forfeits the right to appeal, and the assigned Final Course  Grade is upheld.
  2. Documentation/Evidence: It is the student's responsibility to supply evidence for consideration in the appeal. Along with the Departmental Grade Appeal Form, the student must include any available supporting documentation, which may include, but is not limited to, personal grade records, assignment instructions, course syllabi or course policy statements, copies of graded work, and email communication with the instructor. The type of documentation that is relevant will vary depending on the basis of the appeal. At any stage in the Departmental Grade Appeal process, the Dean (or designee) may request for additional information or documentation from the student.
    1. If relevant documentation is part of the instructor's class records and inaccessible to the student, the student may request such documentation from the Dean (or designee). The Dean (or designee) will make a good-faith effort to provide the requested materials, provided that doing so does not violate FERPA or other College, state, or federal policies or regulations.
  3. Determination of Eligibility for Appeal: The Office of the Registrar will forward the Departmental Grade Appeal materials to the appropriate Dean (or designee). The Dean (or designee) will evaluate the rationale for the appeal. If the rationale for the request does not meet the eligibility criteria established in Section I above, the Dean (or designee) will inform the student in writing, via email, within five (5) Working Days that the request is not eligible for a grade appeal.
  4. Request for Response from Instructor: If the Dean (or designee) determines that the rationale for the appeal must meet criteria established in Section I, the Dean (or designee) will contact the instructor via email within five (5) Working Days of receipt of the Departmental Grade Appeal Form to request a written response to the grade appeal. If the instructor is no longer employed by the College, every reasonable effort will be made to reach the instructor.
  5. Response from Instructor: Within ten (10) Working Days of receiving the request for a written response, the instructor will submit the response to the Dean (or designee) via email. If the instructor cannot be reached or does not respond, the Dean (or designee) will collect and review all available documentation relevant to the appeal and may request that a faculty member from the same discipline or academic area evaluate the appeal materials and recommend a course of action.
  6. Decision: The Dean (or designee) will review all materials submitted by the student and instructor and may request additional information or documentation from either party. Within five (5) Working Days of receiving the instructor's response, the Dean (or designee) will make a determination to approve or deny the appeal and will notify the student, instructor, and the Office of the Registrar via email of the decision, the rationale for the decision, and, if appropriate, any actions to be taken by the instructor (e.g. re-grading an assignment, accepting a previously un-graded assignment). If the decision leads to a revised Final Course Grade, the instructor will submit a Grade Change Form to the Office of the Registrar.

IV. College Grade Appeal

A student who contests the Departmental Grade Appeal decision may request a College Grade Appeal by completing the College-Level Grade Appeal Form. Though students may submit the form during a summer or winter term, the appeal process will not begin until the first Working Day during a fall or spring semester.

  1. Eligibility to Appeal: In order to file a College Grade Appeal, the student must show that one of the following conditions apply:
    1. New evidence is available that may alter the decision;
    2. Based on the rationale provided for the Departmental Grade Appeal decision, the student believes the case was misunderstood or misrepresented by the Dean (or designee), leading to an inappropriate decision;
    3. The student believes the Dean (or designee) exhibited prejudicial treatment by applying a different standard to the student than to other students or by failing to follow established course or College policies and procedures in making the Departmental Grade Appeal decision.
  2. College Grade Appeal Committee: A standing College Grade Appeal Committee will be created by the Office of the Provost each fall semester. Faculty members serve a term of two (2) academic years; students serve a term of one (1) academic year. The Committee consists of the following:
    1. One (1) full-time academic faculty member from each School, appointed by the relevant Dean;
    2. One (1) additional faculty or staff member appointed by the Provost to serve as Committee Chair;
    3. One (1) student representative and one (1) student alternate, appointed by the Nevada State Student Association (NSSA).
  3. Deadline to Appeal and Required Documentation: The student must submit a completed College-Level Grade Appeal Form, available from the Office of the Registrar, within ten (10) Working Days of receiving the Departmental Grade Appeal decision. A student who fails to file within this time period forfeits the right to further appeal, and the Departmental Grade Appeal decision is final. The student requesting the College Grade Appeal must provide a justification for the appeal that addresses one or more of the eligibility criteria provided in section IV.A and may submit additional documentation or evidence related to the appeal.
  4. Notification of Appeal: Within two (2) Working Days of receiving a completed petition from the student, the Office of the Registrar will deposit the College-Level Grade Appeal Form, any new documentation or evidence, all materials from the Departmental Grade Appeal, and the Departmental Grade Appeal written decision in a folder housed on a campus server and will notify the Office of the Provost and the instructor. Incomplete applications may delay processing of the appeal. Within two (2) Working Days of notification of the appeal, the Office of the Provost will provide the student with the names of Committee members and will inform the Committee that the student has submitted an appeal.
  5. Committee Disqualifications and Challenges: Committee members must disqualify themselves from membership if they have a conflict of interest regarding the case or the student or believe they may have a personal bias that would affect their judgement in the case. The student or instructor may challenge a Committee member on the grounds of conflict of interest or personal bias; in such cases, the burden of proof is on the challenger. All challenges, including a rationale, must be submitted to the Committee Chair within three (3) Working Days of receiving the notification of Committee membership. The Committee will decide whether to remove a challenged member by a simple majority vote of the other members; in the case of a tied vote, the challenged Committee member will be replaced. If a challenge to a faculty member of the Committee is upheld or a faculty member is disqualified, the Provost will appoint another faculty member to fill the vacancy; if the student representative is removed, the alternate student representative will serve as the replacement.
  6. Committee Request for Materials: Once membership on the College Grade Appeal Committee is finalized, the Office of the Provost will provide the Committee with access to the appeal materials. The Committee may request additional information as needed to understand the context of the appeal in advance of the hearing; the Committee Chair will submit such requests on behalf of the Committee.
  7. Notice of Hearing: The Office of the Provost will schedule the hearing to occur no more than fifteen (15) Working Days after the Office of the Provost was notified of the appeal. The Office of the Provost will notify the student, the instructor, and all members of the College Grade Appeal Committee via email of the date of the hearing. All Committee members must attend the hearing; in exceptional circumstances that prevent a Committee member from attending in person, they may be allowed to attend via videoconference with the approval of the Committee Chair. If the student representative cannot attend the hearing, the student alternate will replace them on the committee. A representative from the Office of the Provost will attend as a non-voting procedural consultant to the Committee and will document the proceedings.
  8. Instructor Attendance at Hearing: The instructor is encouraged to appear in person to present a case to the College Grade Appeal Committee. Faculty may appear via videoconference or phone with the approval of the Committee Chair. The instructor may also choose not to attend the hearing; in this case, the hearing will be held in their absence. The College Grade Appeal Committee will act upon the evidence provided whether or not the instructor is present.
  9. Student Attendance at Hearing: The student must appear to present a case. Attendance should be in-person; in exceptional circumstances (e.g. a student in an online program does not live within reasonable distance of the College), the student may be allowed to appear via videoconference with the Committee Chair’s approval. If the student fails to appear, the appeal will be dismissed.
  10. Written Statements: If the student or instructor wishes to submit a written statement, they must notify the Committee Chair via email. Submission of a written statement does not substitute for attendance at the hearing. The written statement must be submitted to the Committee Chair via email no fewer than three (3) Working Days before the hearing. Written statements submitted after this deadline will not be accepted. Written statements must be signed (physically or electronically) by the author. Unsigned written statements will not be admitted as evidence. The Committee Chair will email any written statements to the student, instructor, and all Committee members at least two (2) Working Days before the hearing.
  11. Hearing Moderation: The Committee Chair will moderate the hearing. The Committee Chair is authorized to guide the conduct of the hearing, maintain order, and ensure everyone in attendance behaves in a civil and constructive manner. The Committee Chair may establish procedural rules as needed to ensure that the hearing is conducted in a fair and orderly manner, provided such rules are not inconsistent with other procedures described in this policy. If the student, instructor, or any other attendee fails to maintain order and civility during the hearing, the Committee Chair has the discretion to end the hearing. In such a case, the Committee Chair will confer with the Office of the Provost to determine appropriate next steps and an adjusted timeline, if needed.
  12. Presentation of Case: The burden of proof falls on the student. Both the student and instructor will be provided an opportunity to respond to the other person’s claim and to discuss evidence in support of their position. The College Grade Appeal Committee may question the instructor and the student. The Committee Chair may place reasonable time limits on presentations and responses. The presentation of evidence/testimony portion of the hearing may not last more than one (1) hour.
  13. Consulting Representative: The student and instructor each have the right to bring one (1) person of their choice to the hearing in the role of consulting representative. The consulting representative must be a current student or faculty or staff member at the College. The consulting representative is only present to consult with or support the student or instructor and may not participate directly in the hearing.
  14. Deliberations and Decision: The College Grade Appeal Committee will deliberate in a closed meeting within five (5) Working Days after the hearing. The Committee will make the final decision by a simple majority vote conducted anonymously. The Committee Chair is responsible for tallying votes.
  15. Notification of Final Decision: Within two (2) Working Days of the final decision vote, the Committee Chair will notify the student, the instructor, the Dean (or designee) who made the Departmental Grade Appeal decision, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of the Registrar via email of the Committee’s final decision and, if appropriate, any actions to be taken by the parties involved. If the decision leads to a revised Final Course Grade, the instructor will submit a Grade Change Form to the Office of the Registrar. The College Grade Appeal decision is final and is not subject to further appeal.
  16. Confidentiality of Appeal Hearing and Materials: The Committee Chair will collect any physical College Grade Appeal materials in the possession of Committee members and deliver them to the Office of the Provost within three (3) Working Days of the final decision vote; all digital files must be permanently deleted within this time period as well. College Grade Appeal Committee members may not retain in their possession any materials received during the appeal procedure, notes taken during the hearing or deliberations of the College Grade Appeal Committee, or personal files related to the case.

V. Retention of Records

Documents related to Departmental and College Grade Appeals become part of the student’s records maintained by the Office of the Registrar and will be retained according to the schedules outlined in the NSC Catalog.


Selected Nevada State College Policies


In addition to prohibited activities outlined in Section I, Subsection A and B, students and student organizations have a responsibility to know and abide by the following college policies. The following policies for students members of the community may also be the same, or similar to, policies affecting all members of the college. These have been included within this student judicial code to allow all students to familiarize themselves with these standards of behavior as well as the rights to which every student is a party.

Substance Abuse Policy

The unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcohol by students or employees on NSC premises or as part of any College activity is prohibited. The legal age for drinking alcohol in Nevada is 21. Any student or employee who violates underage drinking laws on campus may be subject to citation, arrest and/or referral for disciplinary action.

NSC is a drug free campus and the unlawful possession, use, sale, manufacture, or distribution of illegal drugs or other controlled substances the College premises or as part of any College activity is prohibited. Any student or employee who violates federal or state laws or College policy regarding the manufacture, use or possession of illegal drugs may be subject to citation, arrest and/or referral for disciplinary action.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Nevada State College has joined other colleges and universities across the nation in encouraging the elimination of alcohol and other drug abuse on our campus and in our community. This policy supports the belief that the unlawful possession or use of drugs, including alcohol, and the abuse of alcohol and any drug by students constitutes a grave threat to their physical and mental well-being, and significantly impedes the processes of learning and personal development. While the majority of adults who drink alcohol do so in an acceptable and responsible manner, there is a substantial number who misuse and abuse alcohol, with resulting problems in health, academic, and vocational performance, social and personal relationships, and financial and legal areas.

Alcoholic Beverages:

  1. In compliance with state law, no student may possess or consume alcohol if under 21 years of age; neither may a student offer alcoholic beverages to a minor (a person under 21 years old).
  2. The President has the authority to designate the time and place for special events where alcoholic beverages shall be served on the college campus (for student groups as well as the entire college community and guests). Students who are of legal age may consume alcohol at these events.
  3. Except as provided above, the storage, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted on college-owned or college-supervised property. In addition, any student who exhibits offensive behavior on college-owned or college-supervised property, or while attending a college-sponsored event while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, shall be subject to college disciplinary action.

Other Substances: The use or possession of illegal and/or unauthorized drugs and drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited.

Campus Disciplinary Sanctions for Violations of Alcohol and Illegal Substance Policies:

A student involved in violations of college standards of conduct will be required (unless expelled from the college) to participate in an education and assessment process as a condition of continued association with the institution. The following sanctions are presented as guidelines, indicating the range and progression of sanctions--from educational programs through expulsion. These sanctions are applied on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific nature of the alcohol and drug violation. Each student's case is evaluated in terms of that student's level of risk posed (health or danger to self and others) by the substance abuse.

For violations involving alcohol, sanctions might include:

  • three-hour education seminar;
  • counseling and assessment;
  • campus disciplinary probation;
  • extended probation with counseling;
  • suspension;
  • expulsion.

For violations involving the possession or use of drugs, sanctions might include:

  • disciplinary probation and referral to assessment/treatment;
  • suspension;
  • expulsion.

For violations involving the sale of drugs, sanctions might include:

  • suspension;
  • expulsion.

Legal Standards

In addition to college student conduct standards, a student will be subjected to all local, state, and federal laws related to substance abuse or the possession/use of alcohol. The following state laws are presented which apply to any student conduct on or in the vicinity of the campus. In these instances, the student is being regarded as a resident of the state of Nevada:

  • NRS 202.020 - Purchase, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverage by a minor. Any person under 21 years of age who, for any reason, possesses any alcoholic beverage in public is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • NRS 202.040 - False representation by a minor to obtain intoxicating liquor. Every minor who shall falsely represent himself to be 21 years of age in order to obtain any intoxicating liquor shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • NRS 202.055 - Sale or furnishing of alcoholic beverage to a minor; aiding a minor to purchase or procure alcoholic beverage. Every person who knowingly sells, gives, or otherwise furnishes an alcoholic beverage to any person under 21 years of age is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • NRS 205.460 - Preparation, transfer, or use of false identification regarding persons under 21 years of age; (1) Every person who counterfeits, forges, alters, erases, or obliterates, or... (3) Every person under the age of 21 years who uses or attempts to use or proffers any counterfeited, forged, erased or obliterated card, writing paper, document, or any photocopy print, Photostat, or other replica thereof for the purpose and with the intention of purchasing alcoholic liquor or being served alcoholic liquor entering gambling establishments shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Legal Sanctions

Legal action provides for sanctions ranging from the imposition of fines to incarceration. These sanctions are imposed after due process is pursued. Legal sanctions are governed by the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). Such sanctions result from the referral of an alcohol or other drug violation which comes to the attention of the college Police Department and is referred to the District Attorney's Office. Legal action may take place concurrently with campus disciplinary action.


For students, NSC provides a variety of free services and assistance through on-campus appointments:

  • All About You Counseling (AAU), 702-754-0807
  • NSC's Case Manager, Laura Hinojosa, 702-992-2514

For NSC employees:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP), LifeWorks,

    Telephone: 877-234-5151; en espanol, llame al: 888-732-9020; TTY/TTD: 800-999-3004

  • Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Treatment Routing Services: 800-662-4357

  • Al-Anon: 800-344-2666

  • Cocaine Hotline (24/7 drug helpline): 866-236-1651

  • Las Vegas Recovery Center: 702-515-1373

  • Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Program: 702-5151373

  • WestCare Detox: 702-383-4044

  • Alcoholics Anonymous Las Vegas Central Office: 702-595-1888;

  • Region 51 Narcotics Anonymous: 888-495-3222,

  • Valley View Family Counseling Service: 702-320-3180

  • Community Counseling Center: 702-369-8700,

For more information on alcohol and substance abuse policies, as well as education, prevention, assessment, and treatment services, please contact Eric Gilliland,, 702-992-2322, Rogers Student Center Building, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, NV 89002.

Tobacco Policy

In accordance with state law, Nevada State College maintains a smoke-free educational and work environment and is committed to helping students make healthy, informed lifestyle choices. State law also dictates that smoking is not allowed within 100 feet of buildings. According to the American Cancer Society, college is a time when many long-term lifestyle and behavior choices are being made and solidified. The administration of Nevada State College does not permit tobacco advertising in campus publications and bans tobacco sponsored events on campus or at any college sanctioned event. The Student CARE Team is a resource for students who request information about smoking cessation. Students seeking assistance with smoking cessation are referred to appropriate community resources for assistance.


Hazing has no place within a community of scholars. The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education and Nevada State College affirm their opposition to any form of hazing.

Nevada State College advocates civility in society and an adherence to the fundamental principles of honesty, integrity, respect, fairness, development of the individual character, and sensitivity to the dignity of all persons. These principles should be fostered and nurtured in a broad spectrum of activities that yield social, intellectual, and physical benefits. Therefore hazing of any nature is unacceptable.

  1. Hazing is defined as any method of initiation into or prerequisite to becoming a member of the Nevada State College community, or any group associated therewith, engaged in by an individual that intentionally or recklessly endangers another individual or group. Any activity upon which the initiation into or affiliation with an organization or group is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be forced activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. Hazing may occur on or off the premises of the organization and/or educational institution. Hazing is most often seen as an initiation rite into a student organization or group, but may occur in other situations.
  2. Hazing activities include but are not limited to:
    1. Any physical activity, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food, liquor, drugs or other substance or any other brutal treatment or other forced physical activity that is likely to adversely affect the physical health of the person;
    2. Any situation which subjects the individual to extreme stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, required participation in public stunts, or forced conduct which produces pain, physical discomfort, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of an individual; and
    3. Any expectations or commands that force individuals to engage in an illegal act and/or willful destruction or removal of public or private property.
  3. A reasonable person standard shall apply, and the discipline shall be proportionate to the infraction. All disciplinary actions or sanctions shall be congruent with NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 10, and the NSC Student Code of Conduct. Both individuals and organizations committing an offense under this anti-hazing policy may be found in violation and be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions.
  4. An allegation of hazing, reporting of a suspicion that hazing may have occurred, or a request for an investigation of hazing may be initiated by anyone. Violations shall be reported to the Office of the President.

All investigations of hazing and procedures for adjudication shall follow the Student Code of Conduct.

Contact information for Student Conduct Officer: Dr. Edith Fernandez,, 702-992-2358, Rogers Student Center Building, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, NV 89002.

Standards of Conduct for the Use of Computers in NSC-Related Activities

It is the policy of Nevada State College that improper conduct regarding computers as set forth in this section is incompatible with the goals of honesty and academic freedom and is strictly prohibited. Improper conduct regarding computer use at the college falls into three categories: (1) academic dishonesty; (2) disruption and destruction of computer facilities; and (3) violation of licenses and copyright agreements, college policy, and state or federal laws.

  1. Academic Dishonesty Pertaining to the Use of Computers. Examples of this type of behavior regarding computers include, but are not limited to:
    1. Submitting another person's programs, documentation, or program results as your own work;
    2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain unauthorized access to information stored in electronic form;
    3. Submitting false results of a program's output for a class assignment or falsifying the results of program execution for the purpose of improving a grade.
  2. Disruption or Destruction of Computer Facilities. Examples of this type of behavior include, but are not limited to:
    1. Damaging or stealing college-owned equipment or software;
    2. Causing the display of false system messages;
    3. Maliciously causing system slowdowns or rendering systems inoperable;
    4. Changing, removing, or destroying (or attempting the same) any data stored electronically without proper authorization;
    5. Gaining or attempting to gain access to accounts without proper authorization;
    6. Putting viruses or worms into a system
  3. Violation of Licenses and Copyright Agreements. Most software used on college computers is covered by copyright, license or nondisclosure agreements. Violation of these agreements puts the college and the individual in jeopardy of civil penalties. Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to:
    1. Making copies of copyrighted or licensed software without proper authorization;
    2. Using software in violation of copyright, license or non-disclosure agreements;
    3. Using college computers for unauthorized private or commercial purposes;
    4. Use of computers or the internet in a manner that is against local, state, or federal laws.

Student Email Policy (IT 4)

Official email communications are intended to meet student, faculty, and staff academic and administrative needs within the campus community. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the College and its faculty may communicate with students officially by email and will expect that such email messages will be received and read in a timely manner. This policy (IT 4) stipulates that all formal communication will be sent to students using the official issued College email address.


Academic Activity: Defined by registering for a course, submitting an application for admission, or getting student status set to active.

Alumni: Former students who have graduated from NSC.

Discontinued: A period in which a student’s academic record is deactivated following a period of one (1) year since the last instance of Academic Activity.


Email Account Creation

Upon admission to Nevada State College, students are provided with access to Microsoft Office 365, which includes an email account. Access to Office 365 is provided through the NSC Portal ( Student email addresses are in the format of (name)

College Communications with Students

With the exception of course-related communications from faculty to enrolled students, all NSC communications to students will be sent to NSC-issued student email addresses only. This includes non-course-related communications from faculty, staff, departments (e.g., Admissions, Registrar, Cashier, Financial Aid), Canvas (WebCampus) notifications, related third parties, such as facilities and housing, and groups organizing NSC events.

NSC faculty, staff, and departments must only respond to communications sent from NSC student email addresses starting August 24, 2020.

Faculty will primarily use the messaging system with Canvas (WebCampus) to communicate with students enrolled in their courses about course-specific information.

Students Responsibility

A. Students must ensure that there is sufficient space in their accounts to allow for delivery of official email communications. Email users should exercise extreme caution in using email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters and should not assume that email is private or secure. Users must be careful to send messages only to the intended recipients.

B. Students are expected to check their email on a frequent basis in order to stay current with NSC-related communications and to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. Failure to check email, errors in forwarding mail, or email returned to the college with “Mailbox Full” or “User Unknown” or other similar reasons are not acceptable excuses for missing official College communications via email.

Faculty and Staff Responsibility

To comply with this policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), upon receiving an email from a student, all faculty and staff must verify that the email account from the sender is an official NSC student email address that uses the (name) format. If a non-NSC email is used, employees will reply stating only that correspondence must come from an official NSC email address and reminding the student to use their NSC email to re-send their message. Failure to do so could lead to a violation of FERPA.


If students wish to have email redirected from their official NSC email to another email address, they may do so at their own risk. The College is not responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors or departmental/unit servers, none of which are considered official student email accounts. Having email redirected does not absolve a student of the responsibilities associated with official communications sent to the official NSC [name] account.


NSC alumni may maintain access to their NSC email indefinitely. If at any point the College has a need to discontinue the College email account, appropriate notice will be given to allow the student/ alumni to transition.


We do not recommend using NSC email accounts as password recovery addresses on other sites or for any similar purpose. Should a student’s NSC email account be deleted according to this policy, they may not be able to recover/reset passwords on those other sites. Students should use a personal email account for password resets and recover and forward that account to their NSC email account if desired.