Nevada State University Catalogs - ECE455

ECE 455 Assessment and Observation of Children Birth to Age 8

This course is designed to demonstrate to the student how to do authentic, alternative, classroom based assessment on young children and how to appropriately use standardized test information. The course will further provide the student with the knowledge and skills to interpret and use the information gained to plan curriculum that is responsive to and supportive of children's learning and development. Students will have the opportunity to engage in assessment processes through means of classroom observations, providing each student with a stronger understanding of child development skills. Students learn about and explore a variety of age, individually, linguistically and culturally appropriate formal and informal assessments to gather and share information on each child's skills, abilities, interests and needs, birth through age 8. Includes field experiences. Pre-requisite(s): ECE 169, ECE 250, PSY 330, SPA 340

