Engineering Technology with Electronics Option B.A.S.

Admissions Requirement


  1. Completion of an AAS degree in Engineering Technology with an emphasis in Electronics (Bench Technician, Biomedical Equipment Technician, or Defense Contractor Technician), Self-Serve Device Technician, or Slot Repair at CSN.


  1. As part of the BAS degree requirements, students must complete the following upper-division coursework at CSN: 
    1. Choose 6 of the following (18 credits):
      1. CIT 363 Advanced Project and Earned Value Management
      2. ET 301 Customer Service Management
      3. ET 313 Advanced Radar
      4. ET 389 Advanced Electronics Troubleshooting
      5. ET 410 Business Telecommunications
      6. ET 420 Control Systems
      7. ET 430 Electrical Power Systems
    2. Capstone: ET 494 Senior Project (3 credits)
  2. A minimum of 120 credits must be earned with a minimum of 30 credits completed at Nevada State College in upper division courses.


Completion of an AAS in Engineering Technology Degree with Electronic Option (At least 64 credits) Prior to Entering the Program

Recommended Schedule

A recommended course sequence for Engineering Technology with Electronic Option B.A.S. is provided for students as guidance to complete their major in four years.

College Core Curriculum

(A number of categories may be fulfilled by AAS degree coursework. This will be confirmed by NSC Office of Admissions & Recruitment upon receipt of an official AAS transcript.)

English (3 credits)

ENG 102Composition II


Mathematics (4-6 credits)

Complete either MATH 126 & MATH 127 (6 credits total) *OR* MATH 128 (5 credits) *OR* MATH 181 (4 credits). See catalogs for pre-requisites.

Natural Science (4 credits)

Complete both EGG 131 & 131 L *OR* any 4-credit lab course that fulfills the NSC Natural Sciences core: AST 104 & AST 105; BIOL 101, BIOL 189, BIOL 196, BIOL 197, CHEM 110, CHEM 111, CHEM 112, CHEM 121, CHEM 122, GEOG 103 & GEOG 104,  GEOL 101, GEOL 102, PHYS 110, PHYS 151, PHYS 152

Social Sciences (3 credits)

PSY 101 or SOC 101 is a pre-requisite for major courses; it is highly recommended that students take either PSY 101 or SOC 101 for their Social Sciences core course. If students prefer to use another course, they may refer to the NSC catalog for a full list of NSC courses that fulfill the requirement, or may use any of the following options from the AAS core: ANTH 101, ANTH 205, ANTH 206, or ANTH 209; COM 216; ECON 102 or ECON 103; PSC 210, PSC 211, or PSC 231; PSY 102; SOC 102. Students will still need PSY 101 or SOC 101 as a pre-requisite for required major courses.

Fine Arts (3 credits)

The following courses from the AAS core fulfill this requirement: Any ART course, MUS 121, MUS 125, MUS 126, MUS 128, MUS 133, MUS 134, MUS 140, MUS 191, MUS 229, MUS 236, THTR 100. [If you complete this requirement at NSC, you may take any course already listed, as well as any of the following: FIS 100, FIS 110, VIS 100, VIS 112.]

Humanities (6 credits)

The degree plan assumes you will complete this requirement at NSC, taking upper-division courses (300 or above) to count toward the residency requirement. If you instead apply courses from the AAS core to the Humanities requirement, you must make up the upper-division NSC credits elsewhere (in another core area or as electives). Any upper-division course at NSC from the following areas fulfills this requirement (must be numbered 300 or above): any literature course, any foreign language course, any history course, any philosophy course (except 311). [If you prefer to use courses from your AAS to fulfill the Humanities core at NSC, the following may be used: AM 145 or above, any literature course higher than ENG 231, any HIST course, any PHIL course (except 102, 105, or 109), any foreign language course 111 or above.]

Constitution (4-6 credits)

The following courses from the AAS core fulfill this requirement: PSC 101 (from an NSHE institution); PSC 101 (out-of-state) and PSC 100; HIST 101 and HIST 102 (HIST 102 at NSHE institution); HIST 101 and HIST 217.

Cultural Diversity (3 credits)

The degree plan assumes you will complete this requirement at NSC, taking an upper-division course (300 or above) to count toward the residency requirement. If you apply courses from the AAS core to the Cultural Diversity requirement, you must make up 3 upper-division NSC credits elsewhere (in another core area or as an elective). The following upper-division courses at NSC fulfill this requirement (see catalog for pre-reqs): EDRL 402, ENG 427A, ENG 481A, ENG 481B, ENG 485, ENG 485A, ENG 486A, ENG 490, ENG 490A, ENG 494A, ENG 495C, ENG 496A, ENG 497A, ETS 375, ETS 435, HIST 320, HIST 418, HIST 424, HIST 432, HIST 433, HIST 436, HIST 444, HIST 449, HIST 450, HIST 470, HIST 478, NURS 310, SOC 449, SOC 453, SOC 469, SOC 471. [If you prefer to use courses from your AAS to fulfill the Cultural Diversity core, the following may be used: ANTH 101, ENG 231, ENG 232, ENG 292.]

Applied Science Engineering Technology with an option in Electronics Core Curriculum

ACC 201Financial Accounting


ENG 407AFundamentals of Business Writing


MGT 301Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior


MGT 367Human Resource Management


PHIL 311Professional Ethics


As part of the BAS degree requirements, students must complete the following upper-division coursework at CSN:
  1. Choose 6 of the following (18 credits):
    1. CIT 363 Advanced Project and Earned Value Management
    2. ET 301 Customer Service Management
    3. ET 313 Advanced Radar
    4. ET 389 Advanced Electronics Troubleshooting
    5. ET 410 Business Telecommunications
    6. ET 420 Control Systems
    7. ET 430 Electrical Power Systems
  2. Capstone: ET 494 Senior Project (3 credits)

Management Course Elective

COM 315Small Group Communication



COM 434Communication and Conflict Resolution


Upper Division Electives (at least 6 credits)

Take upper-division electives as needed to meet the residency requirement of 30 upper-division credits completed at NSC and complete one of the following courses:
PSY 450Industrial & Organizational Psychology



PSY 460Social Psychology


Summary of credits requirements for Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Technology with Electronics Option

 AAS Degree
 At least 64
 College Core Curriculum
 up to 25
 Advanced Technical Curriculum (CSN)
 Management Courses
 Electives (as needed to bring total credits to 120 and to full Upper Division Residency at Nevada State College)
 Total Credits