Nevada State University Catalogs - Teacher Preparation Program

Teacher Preparation Program


The program offered by the Teacher Preparation Program is standards-based. The standards of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) are integrated into the program’s framework. Common Core Standards are used in appropriate classes. The framework is the benchmark by which student performance competencies and the effectiveness of all school programs and activities are assessed.


The School of Education programs are approved for licensure by the Nevada Department of Education.

Undergraduate Degrees

  • Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education with a Concentration in Special Education
  • Bachelor of Arts Secondary Education with a Concentration in English
  • Bachelor of Arts Secondary Education with a Concentration in History
  • Bachelor of Science Secondary Education with a Concentration in Biology
  • Bachelor of Science Secondary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Science Secondary Education with a Concentration in Physical Science

Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Education Program (PB-TEP)

The School of Education offers coursework leading to initial teacher licensure for students who have an undergraduate degree.

Initial Licensure:

  • Elementary Education
  • Special Education
  • Autism
  • Secondary Education Biology
  • Secondary Education English
  • Secondary Education General Science
  • Secondary Education History-Social Studies
  • Secondary Education Mathematics

Endorsement Coursework

This coursework is for certified teachers seeking to add an endorsement in specified fields to their license.

  • Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
  • Educational Technology

Field Experiences

Field experiences are a requirement of all undergraduate education majors. ALL education majors in the Nevada State College Teacher Preparation Program must participate in a planned series of field experiences as an integral part of their training. Field experiences begin with the first education course, and culminate with student teaching. This enables pre-service teachers to receive guidance and feedback as they apply educational theory and practice in school settings. Opportunities to gain first-hand experience are provided in courses held at partnership schools, weekend student workshops, and arranged field work placements.

NSC field experiences are designed to:

  1. provide the opportunity to immediately apply course content to classroom settings;
  2. provide an opportunity for pre-service teachers to work cooperatively with professional teachers;
  3. provide pre-service teachers with an opportunity to gain knowledge and insight about themselves as professionals;
  4. enhance awareness of the teaching profession through reflection;
  5. assist pre-service teachers in gaining evaluative feedback about their proficiencies as potential educators; and
  6. expose pre-service teachers to a variety of cultural and socioeconomic settings.

Program Admission

To establish eligibility for admission into the Teacher Preparation Program, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Admission into Nevada State College;
  • Completion of at least 24 credit hours (applies to degree seeking students only);
  • Degree Seeking Students: Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • Post-Baccalaureate Students: Bachelor’s degree or higher with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5;
  • Passing scores on the reading, writing, and mathematics portions of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) exam or the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST);
  • Clear FBI fingerprint report;
  • Signed Disposition statement.

Program applications are accepted no later than March 1st for the fall semester and October 15th for the spring semester.  (Admission criteria is subject to change.)

Student Teaching

Student teaching is a full-time, semester long experience in an elementary or secondary classroom. A mandatory weekly seminar accompanies the supervised teaching during which the student gradually assumes classroom teaching responsibilities. Student teachers receive continual coaching and mentoring through regularly scheduled observations and evaluations by the cooperating teacher and the NSC supervisor. Outside employment during student teaching is strongly discouraged due to the intensity of this experience.

Passing scores on Praxis Subject Assessments are required for both student teaching at Nevada State College and licensure by the Nevada Department of Education. To ensure timely submission of the scores students are strongly encouraged to take the test(s) early enough to obtain their scores prior to applying for student teaching. When completing registration materials for the Praxis Subject Assessments, students must list NSC (R9020) and the Nevada Department of Education (R8670) as score recipients.

Before acceptance into student teaching, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • Admittance to the Teacher Preparation Program;
  • Submission of student teaching application;
  • Earned minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better;
  • Completion of all courses in the program of study required prior to student teaching;
  • C- or higher in all major coursework;
  • Clear FBI fingerprint report;
  • Proof of possession of $1 million in liability insurance;
  • Substitute Teaching License in Nevada (optional for Southern Nevada students).
  • Passing scores on the Praxis Subject Assessments is a student teaching application requirement.

Student teaching applications are accepted no later than March 1st for the fall semester and September 15th for the spring semester.

Student Teaching Completion

Active participation and full attendance to the weekly seminar class are program requirements. Development and presentation of a culminating project are required for completion of student teaching. Student teachers will identify a professional question or teaching dilemma as the basis of an action research project. The goals of this research project are to improve instructional methods and student learning. Student teachers will present their action research project to members of the NSC community.

A student teacher must receive satisfactory evaluations from his/her cooperating teacher(s), NSC Supervisor, and seminar instructor to earn credit for student teaching.

Program Completion


  • Successful completion of student teaching requirements;
  • Completion of a minimum of 120 credits in the program of study;
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5

School of Education Policies

  1. Students transferring to the NSC School of Education with all coursework completed, except student teaching, will be required to see a School of Education faculty advisor to select 15 credits of residency coursework to be taken prior to student teaching.
  2. Teacher education coursework that applies towards a degree or initial licensure program at Nevada State College may not be older than 5 years at the time of admission to the program.
  3. Grades below a “C-”, in major coursework, are not applied to the degree.
  4. A Pre-Education or Pre-Speech Pathology major who has completed ENG 102, MATH 120, and the Praxis Core Literacy and Math Lab courses is encouraged to take the Praxis Core (or CBEST) exam.
    1. If the pre-major has not completed the Praxis Core/CBEST upon the completion of 60 credits, a hold will be placed upon their enrollment status. The pre-major student will be required to meet with their academic advisor. The student will be required to either complete the examination or petition with the Academic Advising Center for a 30 credit extension. If the 30 credit extension is approved, at the completion of 90 credits, the pre-major student will be restricted from taking any additional courses until the Praxis Core/CBEST is completed and/or the student changes their declared major.
    2. Two exceptions to the 60 credit hour rule are noted:
      1. Pre-majors who have declared a second major/degree. The cap would then be increased to match the required credits required for the additional declared major/degree.
      2. A pre-major who has added a minor to their declared pre-education major. The cap would then be increased to match the credits required for the additional declared minor. A student who adds additional minors beyond the first declared minor will not receive an additional credit hour extension.