Nevada State University Catalogs - University Values and the Exchange of Ideas

University Values and the Exchange of Ideas

The modern state university fosters the acquisition of knowledge and the distribution of newly discovered information. It enlivens curiosity, cultivates critical judgment, and encourages the contribution of its informed students to the development of American society. Nevada State University is committed to these goals and to the maintenance of an academic environment which advances the free exchange of ideas.

While prohibition of certain kinds of speech can have a chilling effect on the free and open exchange of ideas, a policy of civility and tolerance can protect the environment, which is free of intimidation to promote open debate.

Personal verbal harassment of one individual by another is uncivil behavior, which can taint or pollute the learning climate and discourage open expression of ideas on legitimate academic subjects.

The university is committed to an orderly learning environment, which protects the right of free speech and rejects personal intimidation of any kind.

More information regarding free speech is provided in AD 6: Free Speech Policy.