School of Education Policies

Graduate Grading Policies

 A  the highest grade, is given for work of exceptional quality. Each credit earned with a grade of "A" carries 4.0 grade points.
 A- carries 3.7 grade points for each credit earned.
 B+ carries 3.3 grade points for each credit earned.
 B is awarded for minimum expectation for graduate school. Each credit earned with a grade of "B" caries 3.0 grade points.
 B- carries 2.7 grade points for each credit earned.
 C+ carries 2.3 grade points for each credit earned.
 C represents below-expectation for graduate school. Each credit earned with a grade of "C" carries 2.0 grade points.
 C- carries 1.7 grade points for each credit earned. "C-" is the lowest passing grade for graduate credit that is allowed. The student's accomplishment is deficient of minimum expectations.
 F represents failure. No credit or grade points are earned with a grade of "F." Failed courses count as credits attempted.
 S/U indicates satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance in designated courses offered with this grading option. For clinical courses, the grade of "S" indicates clinical skills expected for the student’s practicum level, and the grade of "U" represents performance equivalent to a that is below expectations for the student’s practicum level. Neither the "S" nor "U" grades are assigned a grade-point value.
 AD indicates audit and is given when a student registers in a course for no credit and no grade. 
 W signifies that a course has been dropped or that a student has withdrawn from the university with passing grades. The grade of "W" is not included in the grade-point average. Students who withdraw from the university after 60 percent of the course instruction has occurred and are not passing, receive a grade of "F." 
 I is a neutral mark and represents incomplete. An "I" is given when a student is performing passing work, but for some uncontrollable reason cannot complete the course requirements during the instructional period. "I" mark is excluded from grade-point average computation. Nonattendance, poor performance or requests to repeat the course are unacceptable reasons for issuance of the "I" mark. When the student's request for an incomplete mark is deemed acceptable, the instructor must indicate the specific work necessary to complete the course. Marks of "I" are automatically changed to "F" if they are not made up by the last day of the next regular semester (Summer Session excluded). Students may not graduate with an outstanding incomplete mark issued under this policy. The extension of an incomplete mark for one semester must be requested and approved by the instructor. The instructor will need to notify the Office of the Registrar, at least two weeks before the end of the semester in which the approved "I" mark expires. Students may make up incomplete marks by completing outstanding course requirements before the end of the next regular semester. The requirements must be submitted to the student's instructor, who reports the final grade and acquires the approval of the Academic Director. The written approvals must appear on the Grade Change Form before the form can be filed with the Office of the Registrar. 
 NR signifies that an instructor has failed to assign a grade to a student's course work. This grade is assigned by the Office of the Registrar until the proper grade is determined. Students may not graduate with grades of "NR" on their record. All grades of "NR" must be resolved by the last day of the following semester. Unresolved grades of "NR" become grades of F. 

Academic Standing

All graduate students must maintain a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0. If a student’s GPA drops below 3.0, the student will be placed on probation or dismissed. Undergraduate or post-baccalaureate courses will not count towards graduate GPA. S/U graded credits, and transfer credits do not affect a student’s GPA.


Students whose cumulative graduate GPA is below a 3.0 will be placed on academic probation for one semester. If they fail to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 by the end of one semester, they are dismissed from their graduate program. Students must be aware that courses are offered only once a year in sequence, and therefore an individual degree plan would need to be revised with the Speech-Language Pathology Program Director.

Low Course Grade

If a course grade of C+ to C- is obtained, regardless of probation status, then the following will occur. A grade of C+ to C- in an academic class, will result in a) an individually determined intervention plan, and b) a successful completion to that intervention plan, no later than the midpoint of the following semester. This option is forfeited if the cause of the low grade is non-submission of assignments, and the course will need to be repeated. If the course is prior to an externship practicum semester, the externship will not begin until the comprehensive exam or task is passed at B- or better. If the externship site does not approve of the delay, the student may forfeit that externship placement. If the student does not obtain a B- or better on the intervention plan, the student will have to retake the course when next offered. Note that the grade on the intervention does not result in a course change of grade. A course may not be retaken more than 1 time. Thus 2 attempts at a course with outcome of low course grade will result in dismissal from the program.

Unsatisfactory Practicum Grades

If a grade of "U" is given in a practicum rotation, the student may not continue into the next practicum sequence. Any removal from a practicum due to below expectation performance, ethical issues, or site policy infractions, may cause an automatic "U". The student will have one term to repeat the practicum, either at the same or a different site location. If a second "U" is given, the student will be removed from the program.

Transfer Credits

These are graduate credits transferred from another institution. Transfer credit must be approved by the Speech-Language Pathology Program Director, and must be signed by the student, the Speech-Language Pathology Program Director and the School of Education Dean.

Inactive Status

A student will be assigned to inactive status if they fail to enroll in classes for one semester without formal approval. Should the student wish to return to the program, they will need to reapply.

Leave of Absence

Students in good standing may request a leave of absence for approval by the Speech-Language Pathology Program Director and School of Education Dean. The leave of absence must be requested by the last day of enrollment for the semester that the leave is to begin. The student will not be required to maintain continuous registration. Usually, a leave of absence is approved for one or two semesters. The leave of absence request may be extended by the student filing an additional leave of absence form [a4]. Students must be aware that courses are offered only once a year in sequence, and therefore an individual degree plan would need to be revised with the Speech-Language Pathology Program Director. The revised degree plan must be submitted and signed by student, Program Director and School of Education Dean before the start of the resuming semester’s courses.