
I. Choice of Catalog

According to the Nevada Revised Statues that guide the Nevada System of Higher Education, “a student at a university or state college within the System completes the full course of study for a diploma of graduation if, in accordance with the policy of the Board of Regents, the student satisfies the requirements for graduation and a degree as set forth in the catalog of the university or state college that is in effect at the time the student: (a) First enrolls in the university or state college or is admitted to the academic program or department of the student’s major if the program or department has a formal process for admitting students to the program or department; or (b) Graduates, whichever the student elects. A student who changes his or her major must elect the catalog of the year of the latest change of the major or the year of graduation. A student may not elect a catalog that is more than 10 years old at the time of his or her graduation.” (NRS 396.560(3)).

Students at Nevada State College are allowed to remain on the catalog in effect during their term of entry for up to ten (10) years. If a catalog is more than ten years old, the student must follow the catalog requirements in effect for the year in which the student graduates.

The College does not guarantee the awarding of a degree based on the unchanged requirements of a particular catalog. Periodic revisions of degree requirements are made because of changes in occupational qualifications or the expectations of accrediting or licensing authorities. If such revisions have occurred, the appropriate academic dean, with approval from the Provost and President, may require reasonable adherence to School and departmental requirements published in a recent or current catalog. In cases where such requirements are approved, the School must communicate the changes to affected students.

The following stipulations regarding choice of catalog apply in specific circumstances:

A. Change of major: The year in which a student enrolls as a degree-seeking student at Nevada State College is the student’s assigned catalog year. If a student changes major, or is classified as Undecided and selects a major, the catalog year changes to the year in which the student changed or selected the major.

B. Multiple majors: Students who declare multiple majors may graduate with the additional majors under the catalog year in which they declared each additional major or the year they graduate. The catalog year for additional majors does not affect the catalog year of the first major.

C. Summer Bridge Programs: Students in College-sponsored Summer Bridge Programs (such as Nepantla) who apply for fall admission and are re-classified as summer enrollees for the purposes of the Summer Bridge Program shall be assigned to the catalog in effect for the immediately following fall term.

D. Other summer admits: Students who applied and were admitted for a summer term (excluding Summer Bridge Students) may, at their discretion, choose to follow the catalog of the fall semester immediately following their summer enrollment. Students must formally request to be updated to the fall catalog through the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to visit the Academic Advising Center prior to making the request.

E. Returning Students: Returning Students are assigned to the catalog year in which they are re-admitted. Returning Students may request to follow the catalog in effect at the time of their initial admission and enrollment at the College, providing that catalog is not more than ten (10) years old at the time of their graduation. Such requests should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to visit the Academic Advising Center prior to making the request.

1.  Students returning from a College - approved leave of absence (e.g., a military leave) may follow the catalog rights specified in the relevant leave of absence policy.

2.  In cases of unusual circumstances that led to an extended absence without approved leave, a Returning Student may petition for an exception to policy in order to re-enroll without reapplying and being readmitted to the College. Such exceptions must be approved by the Provost (or designee).

F. Transfer students: Any exceptions to this policy for students transferring from other NSHE institutions will be stated in relevant transfer agreement documents.

G. Other exceptions: The President may waive catalog requirements or approve exceptions to catalog year policies. Such exceptions are made solely at the President’s discretion on a case-by-case and are not subject to appeal.

II. Academic Requirement

In order to graduate, students must meet the following requirements:

A. Minimum GPA: Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, including all post-secondary coursework attempted, as well as an overall NSC GPA of at least 2.0, as calculated by the Office of the Registrar. This requirement excludes those courses in which the student has received marks of Audit, Incomplete, Not Reported, In Progress, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, and Withdrawal (AD, I, NR, X, S, U, and W, respectively).

B. Four-year Institution credits: A minimum of half of the required credits for a baccalaureate degree must be earned at a 4-year institution.

C. Other academic requirements: Additional academic requirements may be established by the Dean of each School.

III. Resident Credit Requirement

Candidates of a bachelor’s degree at Nevada State College must complete 30 upper-division credits in residence. Resident credits are defined as regular classroom instruction, as well as correspondence courses and other distance education courses offered through Nevada State College.