Nevada State University Catalogs - ETS101

ETS 101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies

This course critically examines the major historical, theoretical and political questions concerning ethnic minorities in the United States. We will explore the unique experiences of Asian-Americans, Chicanos/as, Native Americans and African-Americans by examining the history of colonialism, slavery, genocide, capitalism and patriarchy in the U.S. This course will broaden one's understanding of the ways in which race and ethnicity intersect with gender, class, citizenship, and nation in order to demonstrate how power relations impact group identity, language in society and culture, forms of resistance, social oppression, social justice and activism. We will also consider how one's particular worldviews can be determined by the limitations of one's ideologies and cultural orientation. Satisfies Humanities Core Curriculum or Cultural Diversity Core Curriculum (can only be used in one category).

Lecture/Lab/Studio Hours: 3+0+0

