Nevada State University Catalogs - Sociology Minor

Sociology Minor

Sociology is the systematic study of human social behavior, particularly the social dynamics of large organizations, communities, institutions, and cultures. The minor in Sociology at Nevada State College gives students an opportunity to study issues such as the growth of the U.S. welfare system, immigration policies, gender issues, racial and ethnic identity, and changing ideas about deviance, all of which complement other disciplines at NSC while providing a unique perspective.

Degree Requirements

Required Courses

SOC 101Principles of Sociology


Pick two of the following courses (6 credits)

SOC 441Social Inequality


SOC 453Gender and Society


SOC 471Racial and Ethnic Relations in America


Electives (9 credits total; at least three credits must be upper division)

Any course with a SOC prefix

WMST 101 can also be taken as part of the elective credit