Nevada State University Catalogs - NSC Directory Information

NSC Directory Information


In accordance with the Nevada State College policy and the U.S. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), NSC vigorously protects the privacy of student’s education records. NSC does not release private records of individual students, such as grades and class schedules, without prior consent of the student.

As permitted under federal law, the sole exception to the above practice is the release of “directory” information considered to be public in nature and not generally deemed to be an invasion of privacy. At NSC, the following categories are defined as “directory” information: Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, dates of attendance, full-time/part-time status, academic major, college and grade level, academic honors, other academic institutions recently attended, participation in NSC organizations, and degrees earned and dates attended.

NSC uses directory information for non-commercial, educational purposes, such as to mail notices to students about changes in policies, services, or opportunities. Directory information may also be provided for commercial purposes to NSC affiliates, honors societies, the alumni association and foundation, or other individuals for purposes that may be beneficial to students. NSC exercises discretion in responding to requests for directory information and may or may not provide such information when requested, depending on the intended purpose of the request. NSC does not sell or rent student information for a fee.

You have the right to request that NSC not release directory information about you for commercial and/or non-commercial purposes.

WARNING: It is important to consider carefully the potential consequences of restricting the release of directory information. For example, if you restrict release for non-commercial educational purposes, NSC will be unable to place your name in publications such as honors and graduation programs; to confirm graduation and dates of attendance to potential employers; to verify enrollment with organizations such as insurance companies; or to send notifications about specialized scholarships.

If, after due consideration, you wish to restrict the release of directory information, please check one of the boxes below indicating your authorization.

[ ] Remove my name from directory information for commercial purposes. Commercial purposes would include such organizations that provide health insurance, tuition payment plans, invitations to join academic organizations, or the alumni association. The organizations provide students with information, services and benefits.

[ ] Remove my name from directory information for non-commercial purposes. Non-commercial purposes would include such purposes as publications in honors and graduation programs, verification of enrollment for health insurance, degree verification for employment, invitations to apply for specialized scholarships, or invitations to attend specialized activities or workshops.

[ ] Remove my name from directory information for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

[ ] I previously asked to remove my directory information for one of the purposes listed above, and now wish to allow release of my directory information.

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This authorization can be mailed, faxed, or delivered in person to the Office of the Registrar, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, Nevada 89002 fax (702) 992-2111. This directive will apply permanently to your record, even following graduation, until you choose to reverse it by submitting a written authorization to the Office of the Registrar.

You may also update this authorization via myNSC.