C. Complaint and Investigation Procedure for Unlawful Discrimination and Unlawful Harassment that Does Not Constitute Sexual Harassment under Title IX Introduction

This Section provides the complaint and investigation procedure for complaints of unlawful discrimination or unlawful harassment that does not constitute “sexual harassment” under Title IX (except that complaints against students may be referred to student disciplinary processes), including instances where the institution has notice of unlawful discrimination or harassment. The Chancellor (for the System Office) and each President shall designate no fewer than two administrators to receive complaints. The administrators designated to receive the complaints may include the following: (1) the Title IX Coordinator; (2) the Human Resources Officer; or (3) any other officer designated by the President. The President may also designate a primary investigating officer (primary officer) to investigate all complaints. The primary officer may be any of the individuals identified in this paragraph. All complaints, whether received by the Human Resources Officer or other designated officer, must immediately be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator.


An individual filing a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment shall have the opportunity to select an independent advisor for assistance, support, and advice and shall be notified of this opportunity by the Title IX Coordinator or designee. It shall be the choice of the individual filing the complaint to utilize or not utilize an independent advisor and their responsibility to pay any associated fees. An independent advisor may be brought into the process at any time at the request of the complainant. An independent advisor may be any person who does not have a conflict of interest and who is not a witness in the matter.

An individual against whom a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment is filed shall have the opportunity to select an independent advisor for assistance, support, and advice and shall be notified of this opportunity by the Title IX Coordinator or designee. It shall be the choice of the individual against whom the complaint is filed to utilize or not utilize an independent advisor and their responsibility to pay any associated fees. An independent advisor may be brought into the process at any time at the request of the respondent. An independent advisor may be any person who does not have a conflict of interest and who is not a witness in the matter.

The individual filing a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment and the individual against whom a complaint is filed must be provided with a written explanation of their rights and options, including the range of available interim measures, and written notification of services available on campus and in the community.

If anyone in a supervisory, managerial, administrative or executive role or position, such as a supervisor, department chair, or director of a unit, receives a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment, or observes or becomes aware of conduct that may constitute unlawful discrimination or harassment, the person must immediately contact one of the individuals identified in this Section above to forward the complaint and/or provide information about the conduct, to discuss it and/or to report the action taken.

Complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment should be filed as soon as possible with the supervisor, department chair, dean, or one of the administrators listed in this Section above and/or designated by the President (or the Chancellor for NSHE System Administration matters) to receive complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination or harassment.

1. Time Frames

Complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment that does not constitute sexual harassment under Title IX must be filed within the time frames stated below.

Holidays and weekends should be included in all calculations. If, however, the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the complaint may be filed on the next business day and still considered timely. (Business days are non-weekend and non- holiday days in which NSHE administrative offices are open for business.)

Resources, to include actions commonly classified as “interim measures,” are available to eligible students and employees notwithstanding the issue of timeliness.

  1. Employee Complaints
    1. All employment complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment (to include retaliation) must be received in the appropriate institutional office within 300 calendar days from the day the alleged act took place. If more than one act is alleged, the deadline will apply to each act independently, except in complaints of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment.

      Complaints of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment must be filed within 300 calendar days of the last alleged incident of unlawful harassment, although all alleged incidents of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment may be considered during the investigation, even if the earlier incidents are alleged to have occurred more than 300 calendar days earlier.
  2. Student Complaints
    1. All student complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment (to include retaliation) must be received in the institution’s appropriate office within 180 calendar days from the day the alleged act took place. If more than one act is alleged, the deadline will apply to each event independently, except in complaints of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment.

      Complaints of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment must be filed within 180 calendar days of the last alleged incident of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment, although all alleged incidents of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment may be considered during the investigation, even if the earlier incidents are alleged to have occurred more than 180 calendar days earlier.
  3. Other/Campus Visitor/Non-employee
    1. Complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment (to include retaliation) asserted by individuals who are neither NSHE employees nor students alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment by a NSHE employee during the employee’s work hours, or by a NSHE student on campus or at a NSHE-sponsored event, must be received in the institution’s appropriate office within 180 calendar days from the day the alleged act took place. If more than one act is alleged, the deadline will apply to each act independently, except in complaints of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment. Complaints of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment must be filed within 180 calendar days of the last alleged incident of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment, although all alleged incidents of ongoing unlawful discrimination or harassment may be considered during the investigation, even if the earlier incidents are alleged to have occurred more than 180 calendar days earlier.

3. Training, Investigation, and Resolution

  1.  General Requirements. The Title IX Coordinator, executives, administrators designated to receive complaints, and appropriate management level(s) with decision-making authority shall have training or experience in handling unlawful discrimination and misconduct complaints, and in the operation of the NSHE and Nevada Administrative Code disciplinary procedures.
  2. Special Training With Regard to Sexual Violence. The training for each of the individuals identified in paragraph 4.a above, should include annual training on how to investigate and conduct hearings in a manner that protects the safety of the parties and promotes accountability; information on working with and interviewing persons subjected to sexual violence; information on particular types of conduct that would constitute sexual violence, including stalking and same-sex sexual violence; the proper standard of review for sexual violence complaints (preponderance of the evidence); information on risk reduction; information on consent and the role drugs or alcohol can play in the ability to consent; the importance of accountability for individuals found to have committed sexual violence; the need for remedial actions for the respondent, complainant, and institution community; how to determine credibility; how to evaluate evidence and weigh it in an impartial manner; how to conduct investigations; confidentiality; the effects of trauma, including neurobiological change; and cultural awareness training regarding how sexual violence may impact students differently depending on their cultural backgrounds.
  3. Investigation. After receiving a complaint or information about the incident or behavior, the Title IX Coordinator or the primary officer, or designee, will initiate an investigation to gather information about the incident. If the Title IX Coordinator or primary officer, or designee, is unable to initiate an investigation, due to a conflict or for any other reason, the President shall designate another individual to act as primary officer for the matter. Each institution may set guidelines for the manner in which an investigation shall be conducted. The guidelines shall provide for the prompt, thorough, impartial, and equitable investigation and resolution of complaints, and shall identify the appropriate management level with final decision-making authority. The guidelines shall, at a minimum, provide the person subject to the complaint with information as to the nature of the complaint, and shall further provide that the person filing the complaint and the person who is the subject of the complaint have equal rights to be interviewed, identify witnesses and provide documentation pertaining to the complaint. In most cases, an investigation should be completed within a reasonable time from receipt of the complaint or information about the conduct.

    At the completion of the investigation, findings and a recommendation will be made to the appropriate management level with final decision-making authority regarding the resolution of the matter. The recommendation is advisory only.
  4. Standard of Review. The standard for evaluating complaints shall be a preponderance of the evidence (i.e., the evidence establishes that it is more likely than not that the prohibited conduct occurred).
  5. Management Determination. After the recommendation has been made, a determination will be made by appropriate management level with final decision- making authority regarding the resolution of the matter. If warranted, disciplinary action up to and including involuntary termination or expulsion may be taken. Any such disciplinary action shall be taken, as applicable, in accordance with NSHE Code Chapter 6, Chapter 8 or Chapter 10 (or applicable Student Code of Conduct), or, in the case of classified employees or law enforcement personnel, Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapter 284 or Chapter 289, or in the case of DRI technologists, the Technologists Manual. Other appropriate actions will be taken to correct problems and remedy effects, if any, caused by the conduct, if appropriate. If proceedings are initiated under Title 2, Chapter 6, Chapter 8 or Chapter 10, the applicable Student Code of Conduct, the NAC Chapter 284 or Chapter 289, or Technologists Manual, the investigation conducted pursuant to this policy may be used as part of such investigations. The administrative officer, in their discretion, may also supplement the investigation with additional investigation. In any disciplinary hearings conducted pursuant to a Student Code of Conduct or under Title 2, Chapter 6, Chapter 8, Chapter 10, the NAC Chapter 284 or Chapter 289, or Technologists Manual, the standard of evidence shall be by a preponderance of the evidence, (i.e., the evidence establishes that it is more likely than not that the prohibited conduct occurred).

    In connection with any such disciplinary hearings, the person filing the complaint and the person who is the subject of the complaint have equal rights to be interviewed, identify witnesses, and provide and receive documentation and witness lists pertaining to the complaint.

    Parties to be Informed. After the appropriate management level with final decision-making authority has made a determination regarding the resolution of the matter, and depending on the circumstances, both parties may be informed concurrently of the resolution (see subparagraph i below).
  6. Confidentiality of Actions Taken. In the event actions are taken against an individual under NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 6, Chapter 8 or Chapter 10 (or applicable Student Code of Conduct) or NAC Chapter 284 or Chapter 289, or the Technologists Manual, such matters generally remain confidential under those Sections, except that final decisions following hearings or appeals of professional employees and State of Nevada personnel hearings involving classified employees are public records. Student matters generally remain confidential under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR Part 99 (FERPA).
  7. Crime of Violence Exception to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). When discriminatory conduct or sexual harassment involves a crime of violence or a non-forcible sexual offense, FERPA permits the institution to disclose to the complainant the final results (limited to the name of the respondent, any violation found to have been committed, and any sanction imposed) of a disciplinary proceeding against the respondent, regardless of whether the institution concluded that a violation was committed. With respect to an institutional disciplinary proceeding alleging sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking offense, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. §1092 (f). 34 CFR 668.46 (Clery Act) requires that the accuser and the accused must be simultaneously informed of the outcome.
  8. Disclosure of Sanction Imposed. In the event a student is found to have engaged in sexual harassment of another student, the institution shall disclose to the student who was harassed, information about the sanction imposed on the student who was found to have engaged in harassment when the sanction directly relates to the harassed student.
  9. Resignation of Employee or Withdrawal of Student. If a student respondent withdraws from the institution or an employee respondent ends employment (e.g., resigns, retires) while an investigation of a complaint involving unlawful discrimination or harassment is pending under this policy, the Title IX Coordinator shall take appropriate action, which may include completing the investigation to the extent reasonably practicable, in order to prevent the reoccurrence of and to remedy the effects of the alleged misconduct.
  10. Title IX Coordinator Monitoring. The institution Title IX Coordinator has primary responsibility for coordinating the institution’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under this Subsection. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for monitoring all aspects of the investigation and any interim measures or final remedies to help ensure that:
    1. the process is fair and equitable to both the complainant and the respondent;
    2. the applicable policies and procedures of NSHE and of the institution are followed; and
    3. the interim measures and final remedies are followed.

4. Prompt Attention

Complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment are taken seriously and will be dealt with promptly, thoroughly, impartially, and equitably. Where unlawful discrimination or harassment is found to have occurred, the NSHE institution or unit where it occurred will act to stop the unlawful discrimination or harassment, to prevent its recurrence, to remedy its effects, if any, and to discipline those responsible.

5. Confidentiality

The NSHE recognizes that confidentiality is important. However, in some limited circumstances confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The administrators, faculty or staff responsible for implementing this policy will respect the privacy of individuals reporting or accused of unlawful discrimination or harassment to the extent reasonably possible and will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible.

Examples of situations where confidentiality cannot be maintained include, but are not limited to, necessary disclosures during an investigation, circumstances where the NSHE is required by law to disclose information (such as in response to legal process), or when an individual is in harm’s way.

a. Confidentiality in Complaints Involving Unlawful Discrimination or Harassment. In complaints involving unlawful discrimination or harassment the following applies:

  1.  Varying Confidentiality Obligations. In situations involving unlawful discrimination or harassment, individuals are encouraged to talk to somebody about what happened in order for them to receive the support they need. Different individuals at the institution have different abilities to maintain an individual’s confidentiality:
    1. Some are required to maintain near complete confidentiality; talking to them is sometimes called a “privileged communication.”
    2. Other employees may talk to an individual in confidence, and generally only report to the institution that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information. Disclosures to these employees will not trigger investigation into an incident against the individual’s wishes, except in certain circumstances discussed below.
    3. Some employees are required to report all the details of an incident (including the identities of all involved) to the Title IX Coordinator. A report to these employees (called “officials with authority”) constitutes a report to the institution – and generally obligates the institution to investigate the incident and take appropriate steps to address the situation.
    This policy is intended to make employees, students and others aware of the various reporting and confidential disclosure options available to them so they can make informed choices about where to turn should they want to report an act of sexual violence. The institution encourages individuals to talk to someone identified in one or more of these groups.
  2. Privileged and Confidential Communications. A complainant or respondent may wish to consult with professional counselors, pastoral counselors or others. Certain professionals are not required to report incidents unless they have been granted permission:
    1. Professional Counselors. Professional, licensed counselors who provide mental-health counseling to members of the institution community (and including those who act in that role under the supervision of a licensed counselor) are not required to report any information about an incident to the Title IX Coordinator without a complainant’s permission.
    2. Pastoral Counselors. A complainant and/or a respondent may choose to consult with a non-institution pastoral counselor and is encouraged to discuss confidentiality with that individual.
    3. Under Nevada law other professionals who may maintain confidentiality include lawyers, psychologists, doctors, social workers, and victim’s advocates as defined in NRS 49.2545.
    4. Off-Campus Counselors and Advocates. Off-campus counselors, advocates, and health care providers will also generally maintain confidentiality and will not share information with the institution unless the individual requests the disclosure and signs a consent or waiver form.
  3. Complainant Options. A complainant who reports an act of unlawful discrimination or harassment only to a professional listed above in Subsection 2 of Subsection a of Subsection 5 must understand that, if they want to maintain confidentiality, the institution will be unable to conduct a full investigation into the incident and will likely be unable to pursue disciplinary action against the respondent.

    A complainant who at first requests confidentiality may later decide to file a complaint with the institution or report the incident to local law enforcement, and thus have the incident fully investigated. A complainant shall be assisted in reporting the incident to local law enforcement if the complainant requests such assistance.

    Other Reporting Obligations: While professional counselors may maintain a complainant’s confidentiality vis-à-vis the institution, they may have reporting or other obligations under state law. For example, there may be an obligation to report child abuse, an immediate threat of harm to self or others, or to report in the case of hospitalization for mental illness.

    NSHE Employee Assistance Program providers would follow these guidelines, as would professionals in NSHE institution student counseling and psychological services areas, and professionals in community health clinics that reside on or are associated with NSHE institutions.

b. Reporting to "Officials with Authority"

  1. “Officials with Authority” Defined and Duties. An official with authority” is the institution’s Title IX Coordinator or any official of the institution who has authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of the institution, including the President, Vice Presidents, Provost, Vice Provosts, Human Resources Director, and those designated by the President. When a complainant or other person reports an incident of unlawful discrimination or harassment to an official with authority, they have the right to expect the institution to take prompt and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter promptly and equitably.

    An official with authority must report to the Title IX Coordinator all relevant details about the alleged unlawful discrimination or harassment shared by the reporting individual and that the institution will need to determine what happened – including the name(s) of the complainant, respondent(s) and any witnesses, and any other relevant facts, including the date, time and specific location of the alleged incident. To the extent possible, information reported to an official with authority will be shared only with people responsible for handling the institution’s response to the report. An official with authority should not share information with law enforcement without the complainant’s consent or unless the complainant has also reported the incident to law enforcement.
  2. Requesting Confidentiality From the Institution: How the Institution Will Weigh the Request and Respond.
    1. Request for Confidentiality. If a complainant discloses an incident to an official with authority but wishes to maintain confidentiality or requests that no investigation into a particular incident be conducted or disciplinary action taken, the institution will weigh that request against the institution’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for everyone, including the complainant, after the official with authority reports the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. If the institution honors the request for confidentiality, a complainant will be informed that the institution’s ability to investigate the incident and pursue disciplinary action against the respondent may be limited.

      There are times when, in order to provide a safe, non- discriminatory environment for all, the institution may not be able to honor a complainant’s request for confidentiality. The institution shall designate an individual to evaluate requests for confidentiality made by a complainant.
    2. Factors to Be Considered. When weighing a complainant’s request for confidentiality or a complainant’s request that no investigation or discipline be pursued, the institution will consider a range of factors, including the following:
      1. The increased risk that identified respondent will commit additional acts of violence, discrimination or harassment, such as:
        • whether there have been other misconduct, violence, discrimination or harassment complaints about the samerespondent;
        • whether the respondent has a history of arrests or other records indicating a history of violence, discrimination orharassment;
        • whether the respondent threatenedviolence, discrimination or harassment against the complainant or others;
        • whether the violence, discrimination or harassment was committed by multiple persons;
        • whether the circumstances of the incident indicate that the behavior was planned by the respondent orothers;
      2. Whether the reported violence, discrimination or harassment was committed with a weapon;
      3. Whether the complainant is a minor;
      4. Whether the institution possesses other means to obtain relevant evidence of the reported violence, discrimination or harassment (e.g., security cameras or personnel, physical evidence);
      5. Whether the complainant’s information reveals a pattern of behavior (e.g., illicit use of drugs, alcohol, coercion, intimidation) at a given location or by a particular group;
      6. Other factors determined by the institution that indicate the respondent may repeat the behavior or that others may be at risk.
      Based on one or more of these factors, the institution may decide to investigate and, if appropriate, pursue disciplinary action even though the complainant requested confidentiality or requested that no investigation or disciplinary action be undertaken. If none of these factors is present, or if any or all of these factors are present to an insufficient degree, the institution will work to respect the complainant’s request for confidentiality.

c. Action After Decision to Disclose

If the institution decides that a complainant’s confidentiality cannot be maintained, the institution will inform the complainant in writing or via email prior to starting an investigation and the institution will, to the extent possible, only share information with people responsible for handling the institution’s response.

The institution will inform any individual involved in the matter that retaliation is prohibited and will take steps to protect such individual(s) from retaliation or harm. Retaliation will not be tolerated. The institution will also:

  1. Determine whether interim measures should be implemented in accordance with Subsection B;
  2. Inform any individual involved in the matter of the right to report a crime to the institution and/or local law enforcement and to have a criminal investigation proceed simultaneously; and
  3. Provide any individual involved in the matter with assistance if they wish to report a crime.

The institution will not require any individual involved in the matter to participate in any investigation or disciplinary proceeding.

Because the institution is under a continuing obligation to address the issue of sexual violence institution-wide, reports of sexual violence (including non- identifying reports) will also prompt the institution to consider broader remedial action – such as increased monitoring, supervision or security at locations where the reported sexual violence occurred; increasing education and prevention efforts, including to targeted population groups; conducting climate assessments/ complainant surveys; and/or revisiting its policies and practices.

Issuance of Timely Warning: If the institution determines that any individual involved in the matter poses a serious and immediate threat to the institution community, police or security services may be called upon to issue a timely warning to the community. Any such warning will not include any information that identifies the complainant

d. Report to Other NSHE Institutions

Reports to Other NSHE Institutions. If an official with authority receives a complaint about unlawful discrimination or harassment that has occurred at another NSHE institution or to a student or employee of another NSHE institution, the official with authority shall report the information to the institution’s Title IX Coordinator, who shall provide the information to the Title IX Coordinator at the other NSHE institution.

e. Public Awareness Events – Not Notice to the Institution.

Public awareness events such as “Take Back the Night,” the Clothesline Project, candlelight vigils, protests, “survivor speak outs” or other forums in which individuals disclose incidents of unlawful discrimination or harassment, are not considered notice to the institution of unlawful discrimination or harassment for purposes of triggering the institution’s obligation to investigate any particular incident(s). Such events may, however, inform the need for institution-wide education and prevention efforts, and the Institution will provide information about individuals’ rights at these events.

6. Retaliation

Retaliation against an individual who in good faith complains of unlawful discrimination or harassment or provides information in an investigation about behavior that may violate this policy is against the law, will not be tolerated, and may be grounds for discipline. Retaliation in violation of this policy may result in discipline up to and including termination and/or expulsion. Any employee or student bringing an unlawful discrimination or harassment complaint or assisting in the investigation of such a complaint will not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment and/or academic standing, nor discriminated against, terminated, or expelled because of the complaint. Intentionally providing false information is also grounds for discipline.

“Retaliation” may include, but is not limited to, such conduct as:

  • the denial of adequate personnel to perform duties;
  • frequent replacement of members of the staff;
  • frequent and undesirable changes in the location of an office;
  • the refusal to assign meaningful work;
  • unwarranted disciplinary action;
  • unfair work performance evaluations;
  • a reduction in pay;
  • the denial of a promotion;
  • a dismissal;
  • a transfer;
  • frequent changes in working hours or workdays;
  • an unfair grade;
  • an unfavorable reference or reference letter;
  • intentionally providing false information.

a. Employees

  1. An employee who believes that they have been subjected to retaliation may file a retaliation complaint with their immediate supervisor, who will in turn immediately contact the Title IX Coordinator.
  2. If the employee feels uncomfortable about discussing the alleged retaliation with the immediate supervisor, the employee should feel free to bypass the supervisor and file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.
  3. After receiving any employee’s complaint of an incident of alleged retaliation, the supervisor will immediately contact the Title IX Coordinator to discuss it and/or to report the action taken. The supervisor has a responsibility to act even if the individuals involved do not report to that supervisor.

b. Students

  1. A student who believes that they have been subjected to retaliation may file a retaliation complaint with their major department chair or director of an administrative unit, who will in turn immediately contact the Title IX Coordinator.
  2. If the student feels uncomfortable about discussing the alleged retaliation with the department chair or director of an administrative unit, the student should feel free to bypass the person and file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.

7. False Reports

Because unlawful discrimination and harassment frequently involve interactions between persons that are not witnessed by others, reports of unlawful discrimination or harassment cannot always be substantiated by additional evidence. Lack of corroborating evidence or "proof" should not discourage individuals from reporting unlawful discrimination or harassment under this policy. However, individuals who make reports that are later found to have been intentionally false or made maliciously without regard for truth, may be subject to disciplinary action under the applicable institution and Board of Regents disciplinary procedures. This provision does not apply to reports made in good faith, even if the facts alleged in the report cannot be substantiated by subsequent investigation.

8. Supervisor Responsibilities

Every supervisor of employees has responsibility to take reasonable steps intended to prevent acts of unlawful discrimination or harassment, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Monitoring the work and school environment for signs that unlawful discrimination or harassment may be occurring;
  • Refraining from participation in, or encouragement of actions that could be perceived as unlawful discrimination or harassment (verbal or otherwise);
  • Stopping any observed acts that may be considered unlawful discrimination or harassment, and taking appropriate steps to intervene, whether or not the involved individuals are within their line of supervision; and
  • Taking immediate action to minimize or eliminate the work and/or school contact between the involved individuals where there has been a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment, pending investigation.

If a supervisor receives a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment, or observes or becomes aware of conduct that may constitute unlawful discrimination or harassment, the supervisor must immediately contact the Title IX Coordinator top provide the information about the conduct, to discuss it and/or to report the action taken.

Failure to take action to prevent the occurrence of or stop known unlawful discrimination or harassment may be grounds for disciplinary action.

9. Relationship to Freedom of Expression

NSHE is committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression. Vigorous discussion and debate are fundamental rights and this policy is not intended to stifle teaching methods or freedom of expression. Unlawful discrimination or harassment, however, is neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom; it compromises the integrity of institutions, the tradition of intellectual freedom and the trust placed in the institutions by their members.

2. Compliant Procedures

  1. Employees
    1. An employee who believes that they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination or harassment by anyone is encouraged – but it is neither necessary nor required, particularly if it may be confrontational – to promptly tell the person that the conduct is unwelcome and ask the person to stop the conduct. An employee is not required to do this before filing a complaint. A person who receives such a request must immediately comply with it and must not retaliate against the employee.
    2. The employee may file an unlawful discrimination or harassment complaint with their immediate supervisor, who will in turn immediately contact one of the officials listed in the introduction to this Section above.
    3. If the employee feels uncomfortable about discussing the incident with the immediate supervisor, the employee should feel free to bypass the supervisor and file a complaint with one of the other listed officials or with any other supervisor.
    4. After receiving any employee’s complaint of an incident of alleged unlawful discrimination or harassment, the supervisor will immediately contact any of the individuals listed in the Introduction to this Section above to forward the complaint, to discuss it and/or to report the action taken. The supervisor has a responsibility to act even if the individuals involved do not report the complaint to that supervisor.
  2. Student
    1. A student who believes that they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination or harassment by anyone is encouraged – but it is neither necessary nor required particularly if it may be confrontational – to promptly tell the person that the conduct is unwelcome and ask the person to stop the conduct. A student is not required to do this before filing a complaint. A person who receives such a request must immediately comply with it and must not retaliate against the student.
    2. The student may file a complaint with their major department chair or director of an administrative unit, who will in turn immediately contact one of the officials listed in the Introduction of this Section above.
    3. If the student feels uncomfortable about discussing the incident with the department chair or director of an administrative unit, the student should feel free to bypass the person and file a complaint with one of the above officials in the Introduction to this Section or to any chair, dean, or director of an administrative unit who will in turn immediately contact one of the officials listed above in the Introduction to this Section to forward the complaint, to discuss it and/or to report the action taken. The chair, dean or director of an administrative unit has a responsibility to act even if the individuals involved do not report to that person.