Nevada State University Catalogs - Grades and Examinations

Grades and Examinations

Grades and Marks

the highest grade, is given for work of exceptional quality. Each credit earned with a grade of "A" carries 4.0 grade points.  
carries 3.7 grade points for each credit earned. 
carries 3.3 grade points for each credit earned.  
is awarded for better-than-average work. Each credit earned with a grade of "B" carries 3.0 grade points. 
carries 2.7 grade points for each credit earned. 
carries 2.3 grade points for each credit earned.
represents average work. Each credit earned with a grade of "C" carries 2.0 grade points. 
carries 1.7 grade points for each credit earned. Grades below a "C-" carry no credit towards major requirements. 
carries 1.3 grade points for each credit earned.  
carries 1.0 grade point for each credit earned.  
carries 0.7 grade points for each credit earned. "D-" is the lowest passing grade for undergraduate credit that is allowed.  
represents failure. No credit or grade points are earned with a grade of "F." Failed courses count as credits attempted. 
indicate satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance in courses offered with this grading option. The grade of "S" indicates achievement equivalent to a "C" or above. The grade of "U" represents performance equivalent to a "C-" or below. Neither the "S" nor "U" grades are assigned a grade-point value. 
indicates audit and is given when a student registers in a course for no credit and no grade. 
W signifies that a course has been dropped or that a student has withdrawn from the college with passing grades. The grade of "W" is not included in the grade-point average. Students who withdraw from the college after 60 percent of the course instruction has occured and are not passing, receive a grade of "F."
is a neutral mark and represents incomplete. An "I" is given when a student is performing passing work, but for some uncontrollable reason is unable to complete the course requirements during the instructional period. "I" mark is excluded from grade-point average computation. Nonattendance, poor performance or requests to repeat the course are unacceptable reasons for issuance of the "I" mark. When the student's request for an incomplete mark is deemed acceptable, the instructor is required to indicate the specific work that is necessary to complete the course. Marks of "I" are automatically changed to "F" if they are not made up by the last day of the next regular semester (Summer Session excluded). Students are not permitted to graduate with an outstanding incomplete mark issued under this policy. The extension of an incomplete mark for one semester must be requested and approved by the instructor. The instructor will need to notify the Office of the Registrar, at least two weeks before the end of the semester in which the approved "I" mark expires. Students may make up incomplete marks by completing outstanding course requirements before the end of the next regular semester. The requirements must be submitted to the student's instructor, who is responsible for reporting the final grade and acquiring the approval of the Academic Director. The written approvals must appear on the Grade Change Form before the form can be filed with the Office of the Registrar.  
signifies that an instructor has failed to assign a grade to a student's course work. This grade is assigned by the Office of the Registrar until the proper grade is determined. Students may not graduate with grades of "NR" on their record. All grades of "NR" must be resolved by the last day of the following semester. Unresolved grades of "NR" become grades of F. 



Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree may earn a maximum of 30 semester credits in courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis, subject to the approval of each program.

  • Transfer students may earn a maximum of one-fourth (1/4) of their remaining credits at the college on an S/U basis, providing the total does not exceed program policy.
  • Transfer students with more S/U credits than allowed by the program policy are ineligible for additional S/U registration, except for required courses offered on an S/U basis only.
  • Each course taken to satisfy a college requirement must be completed with a regular letter grade, unless the course is only offered for S/U.
  • Each program is responsible for determining the total number of credits earned with grades of 'S' and the specific courses (transfer, elective, or required) that are acceptable toward a degree in that program, within the limits of the college maximum.
  • Each course that is approved for S/U grading only is so designated in this catalog for reference.
  • Credits and grades recorded in accordance with the satisfactory/unsatisfactory policy are applicable toward meeting graduation requirements, but are excluded when calculating the grade point average (GPA).
  • Credit by exam is S/U only, except for those courses used to satisfy college, major, or minor program requirements that require a letter grade.

Credit by Exam

Students may earn credit by exam in department approved undergraduate courses offered at Nevada State College subject to the following rules:

  1. Students must be currently enrolled at Nevada State College.

  2. Students must have completed a minimum of 12 credits at Nevada State College and have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.

  3. A maximum of 30 semester credits may be obtained by credit by exam.

  4. Credits earned do not count towards residency credits.

  5. Credit by exam cannot be obtained in a course that is more elementary in content than that which a student has already received credit.

  6. Credit by exam cannot be obtained for a course a student is currently registered for or previously completed.

  7. Credit by exam cannot be obtained in a lower division foreign language course in a student’s native language.

  8. Credit by exam is not allowed for Non-Degree students.

  9. Students are not allowed to repeat an exam.

  10. The credits are not considered part of the student’s semester credit load.

  11. Credit by exam is graded S/U only and has no effect on the GPA.

  12. Students pay a $60 fee per exam.

  13. Students must apply for credit by exam and be approved prior to taking the exam.


Students may repeat courses if they wish to obtain a higher grade. Only the most recent attempt will be used in the grade point average (GPA) calculation and credits earned. The previous attempt(s) will remain on the transcript but will not be calculated into the GPA and credits earned.

Repeating a Course at another Institution after taking the Course at NSC

The grade earned for a course repeated at another institution will not replace the grade earned at NSC for purposes of GPA calculation.

Final Grades

Instructors are responsible for determining and submitting final grades to the Office of the Registrar, where they become official records of the college.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the sum of earned grade points by the total number of credits attempted for a regular letter grade. The I, AD, W, NR, S, and U grades are excluded from the calculation of the GPA.