2. Non-discrimination Policy and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training

A. Non-discrimination Policy. All employees shall be given a copy of this non-discrimination policy and each institution shall maintain documentation that each employee received the nondiscrimination policy. New employees shall be given a copy of this policy at the time of hire and each institution’s Human Resources Office shall maintain documentation that each new employee received the policy.

Each institution shall provide this policy to its students at least annually and may do so electronically. Each institution shall include this policy and complaint procedure on its website and in its general catalog.

Each institution shall have an ongoing non-discrimination training program and shall designate a person or office to be responsible for such training.

B. Prevention of Sexual Harassment Training. Within six months after an employee is initially appointed to NSHE, the employee shall receive training regarding the prevention of sexual harassment. At least once every two years after the appointment, an employee shall receive training concerning the prevention of sexual harassment.