1. Employees

a. An employee who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or sexual harassment by anyone is encouraged—but it is neither necessary nor required, particularly if it may be confrontational—to promptly tell the person that the conduct is unwelcome and ask the person to stop the conduct. An employee is not required to do this before filing a complaint. A person who receives such a request must immediately comply with it and must not retaliate against the employee.

b. The employee may file a discrimination or sexual harassment complaint with his or her immediate supervisor, who will in turn immediately contact one of the officials listed in Section D above.

c. If the employee fees uncomfortable about discussing the incident with the immediate supervisor, the employee should feel free to bypass the supervisor and file a complaint with one of the other listed officials or with any other supervisor.

d. After receiving any employee’s complaint of an incident of alleged discrimination or sexual harassment, the supervisor will immediately contact any of the individuals listed in Section D above to forward the complaint, to discuss it and/or to report the action taken. The supervisor has a responsibility to act even if the individuals involved do not report the complaint to that supervisor.