Selected Nevada State College Policies


In addition to prohibited activities outlined in Section I, Subsection A and B, students and student organizations have a responsibility to know and abide by the following college policies. The following policies for students members of the community may also be the same, or similar to, policies affecting all members of the college. These have been included within this student judicial code to allow all students to familiarize themselves with these standards of behavior as well as the rights to which every student is a party.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Nevada State College has joined other colleges and universities across the nation in encouraging the elimination of alcohol and other drug abuse on our campus and in our community. The substance abuse policy adopted by the college supports the belief that the unlawful possession or use of drugs, including alcohol, and the abuse of alcohol and any drug by students constitutes a grave threat to their physical and mental well-being, and significantly impedes the processes of learning and personal development. While the majority of adults who drink alcohol do so in an acceptable and responsible manner, there is a substantial number who misuse and abuse alcohol, with resulting problems in health, academic, and vocational performance, social and personal relationships, and financial and legal areas.

Alcoholic Beverages: Nevada State College has an alcoholic beverage policy for students that establishes the standards of behavior and the circumstances under which alcoholic beverages are allowed to be possessed, consumed, or distributed by students. Included within this policy are specific regulations for students hosting college-sponsored events where alcoholic beverages may be served and/or sold.

  1. In compliance with state law, no student may possess or consume alcohol if under 21 years of age; neither may a student offer alcoholic beverages to a minor (a person under 21 years old).
  2. The President has the authority to designate the time and place for special events where alcoholic beverages shall be served on the college campus (for student groups as well as the entire college community and guests). Students who are of legal age may consume alcohol at these events.
  3. Except as provided above, the storage, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted on college-owned or college-supervised property. In addition, any student who exhibits offensive behavior on college-owned or college-supervised property, or while attending a college-sponsored event while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, shall be subject to college disciplinary action.

Other Substances: The use or possession of illegal and/or unauthorized drugs and drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited.

Campus Disciplinary Sanctions for Violations of Alcohol and Illegal Substance Policies:

A student involved in violations of college standards of conduct will be required (unless expelled from the college) to participate in an education and assessment process as a condition of continued association with the institution. The following sanctions are presented as guidelines, indicating the range and progression of sanctions--from educational programs through expulsion. These sanctions are applied on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific nature of the alcohol and drug violation. Each student's case is evaluated in terms of that student's level of risk posed (health or danger to self and others) by the substance abuse.

For violations involving alcohol, sanctions might include:

  • three-hour education seminar;
  • counseling and assessment;
  • campus disciplinary probation;
  • extended probation with counseling;
  • suspension;
  • expulsion.

For violations involving the possession or use of drugs, sanctions might include:

  • disciplinary probation and referral to assessment/treatment;
  • suspension;
  • expulsion.

For violations involving the sale of drugs, sanctions might include:

  • suspension;
  • expulsion.

Legal Standards

In addition to college student conduct standards, a student will be subjected to all local, state, and federal laws related to substance abuse or the possession/use of alcohol. The following state laws are presented which apply to any student conduct on or in the vicinity of the campus. In these instances, the student is being regarded as a resident of the state of Nevada:

  • NRS 202.020 - Purchase, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverage by a minor. Any person under 21 years of age who, for any reason, possesses any alcoholic beverage in public is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • NRS 202.040 - False representation by a minor to obtain intoxicating liquor. Every minor who shall falsely represent himself to be 21 years of age in order to obtain any intoxicating liquor shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • NRS 202.055 - Sale or furnishing of alcoholic beverage to a minor; aiding a minor to purchase or procure alcoholic beverage. Every person who knowingly sells, gives, or otherwise furnishes an alcoholic beverage to any person under 21 years of age is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • NRS 205.460 - Preparation, transfer, or use of false identification regarding persons under 21 years of age; (1) Every person who counterfeits, forges, alters, erases, or obliterates, or... (3) Every person under the age of 21 years who uses or attempts to use or proffers any counterfeited, forged, erased or obliterated card, writing paper, document, or any photocopy print, Photostat, or other replica thereof for the purpose and with the intention of purchasing alcoholic liquor or being served alcoholic liquor entering gambling establishments shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Legal Sanctions

Legal action provides for sanctions ranging from the imposition of fines to incarceration. These sanctions are imposed after due process is pursued. Legal sanctions are governed by the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). Such sanctions result from the referral of an alcohol or other drug violation which comes to the attention of the college Police Department and is referred to the District Attorney's Office. Legal action may take place concurrently with campus disciplinary action.

For more information on alcohol and substance abuse policies, as well as education, prevention, assessment, and treatment services, please contact the Student Conduct Officer: Edith Fernandez,, 702-992-2358, Rogers Student Center Building, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, NV 89002.

Tobacco Policy

In accordance with state law, Nevada State College maintains a smoke-free educational and work environment and is committed to helping students make healthy, informed lifestyle choices. State law also dictates that smoking is not allowed within 100 feet of buildings. According to the American Cancer Society, college is a time when many long-term lifestyle and behavior choices are being made and solidified. The administration of Nevada State College does not permit tobacco advertising in campus publications and bans tobacco sponsored events on campus or at any college sanctioned event. The Student CARE Team is a resource for students who request information about smoking cessation. Students seeking assistance with smoking cessation are referred to appropriate community resources for assistance.


Hazing has no place within a community of scholars. The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education and Nevada State College affirm their opposition to any form of hazing.

Nevada State College advocates civility in society and an adherence to the fundamental principles of honesty, integrity, respect, fairness, development of the individual character, and sensitivity to the dignity of all persons. These principles should be fostered and nurtured in a broad spectrum of activities that yield social, intellectual, and physical benefits. Therefore hazing of any nature is unacceptable.

  1. Hazing is defined as any method of initiation into or prerequisite to becoming a member of the Nevada State College community, or any group associated therewith, engaged in by an individual that intentionally or recklessly endangers another individual or group. Any activity upon which the initiation into or affiliation with an organization or group is directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be forced activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding. Hazing may occur on or off the premises of the organization and/or educational institution. Hazing is most often seen as an initiation rite into a student organization or group, but may occur in other situations.
  2. Hazing activities include but are not limited to:
    1. Any physical activity, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of food, liquor, drugs or other substance or any other brutal treatment or other forced physical activity that is likely to adversely affect the physical health of the person;
    2. Any situation which subjects the individual to extreme stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, required participation in public stunts, or forced conduct which produces pain, physical discomfort, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of an individual; and
    3. Any expectations or commands that force individuals to engage in an illegal act and/or willful destruction or removal of public or private property.
  3. A reasonable person standard shall apply, and the discipline shall be proportionate to the infraction. All disciplinary actions or sanctions shall be congruent with NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 10, and the NSC Student Code of Conduct. Both individuals and organizations committing an offense under this anti-hazing policy may be found in violation and be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions.
  4. An allegation of hazing, reporting of a suspicion that hazing may have occurred, or a request for an investigation of hazing may be initiated by anyone. Violations shall be reported to the Office of the President.

All investigations of hazing and procedures for adjudication shall follow the Student Code of Conduct.

Contact information for Student Conduct Officer: Dr. Edith Fernandez,, 702-992-2358, Rogers Student Center Building, 1300 Nevada State Drive, Henderson, NV 89002.

Standards of Conduct for the Use of Computers in NSC-Related Activities

It is the policy of Nevada State College that improper conduct regarding computers as set forth in this section is incompatible with the goals of honesty and academic freedom and is strictly prohibited. Improper conduct regarding computer use at the college falls into three categories: (1) academic dishonesty; (2) disruption and destruction of computer facilities; and (3) violation of licenses and copyright agreements, college policy, and state or federal laws.

  1. Academic Dishonesty Pertaining to the Use of Computers. Examples of this type of behavior regarding computers include, but are not limited to:
    1. Submitting another person's programs, documentation, or program results as your own work;
    2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain unauthorized access to information stored in electronic form;
    3. Submitting false results of a program's output for a class assignment or falsifying the results of program execution for the purpose of improving a grade.
  2. Disruption or Destruction of Computer Facilities. Examples of this type of behavior include, but are not limited to:
    1. Damaging or stealing college-owned equipment or software;
    2. Causing the display of false system messages;
    3. Maliciously causing system slowdowns or rendering systems inoperable;
    4. Changing, removing, or destroying (or attempting the same) any data stored electronically without proper authorization;
    5. Gaining or attempting to gain access to accounts without proper authorization;
    6. Putting viruses or worms into a system
  3. Violation of Licenses and Copyright Agreements. Most software used on college computers is covered by copyright, license or nondisclosure agreements. Violation of these agreements puts the college and the individual in jeopardy of civil penalties. Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to:
    1. Making copies of copyrighted or licensed software without proper authorization;
    2. Using software in violation of copyright, license or non-disclosure agreements;
    3. Using college computers for unauthorized private or commercial purposes;
    4. Use of computers or the internet in a manner that is against local, state, or federal laws.